Ground Bees

I have a ground bee nest, too, and have tried everything I can think of: wasp & hornet spray (entire can over several days and they just keep coming back), diatomaceous earth to plug the hole (slowed them down, but not for long), and inserting a hose into the hole and running it full blast for several hours (still thriving). Nothing seems to work, and the nest is in the middle of the lawn, where we walk the dog and mow. Any ideas on how to get rid of them?
Fill a garden sprayer with heavy soap mixture (1cup dawn to 1 gallon water). Stick the end in the entrance hole and let it loose. The foaming will work better than pouring. Dawn will also not hurt the compost terribly bad. Kills bees instantaneously.
I don’t have the money to pay a professional.
See if you can figure out where they are entering the ground then see if you can find an exit hole, it should be nearby. Best time to look is just before dark but while there is still enough light to see. If you can locate both holes then get a buddy and the both of you empty a large can of wasp and hornet killer (the kind with instant kill) into the holes at exactly the same time. Once you start spraying, do not stop until the can is empty, then run for cover. If you stop before you empty the cans they will boil out. Give it overnight and you may be able to kill them all. You must hit the hole square on as this prevents them from exiting. That will require you to be within 3 feet. I warn you, that if that nest is really huge you may not get them all. While you treat keep kids and dogs inside. If you don't get rid of them, I foresee some painful stings in you, your kids or dog. They get really aggressive this time of year.
You’re welcome. Most effective time is right at daylight. They are cool and ever so slightly slower than normal.
I use this method to destroy beehives that are too ‘hot’ to manage safely. All it takes to reuse the frames for another colony is a good fresh water rinse and let dry.

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