I Was Intentionally & Vicously Attacked By A Bee, I mean YellowJacket

Your mind is a sick place to wander through, Oblio
sweat attracts bees and wasps. it makes them CRAZY.

i was stung over 30 times on my neck alone last Labor Day. had seizures for 6 months and just now getting better.

VENOM never leaves your body unless you get ANTI-venom, not antihistemines. (sp.?)

It travels through your lymph system.

just got stung painting the coop two weeks ago again and am feeling the effects again.

i take a lymph drain and it helps.
I'm half way through my first one!!! Wait, 2 limes, second one.

Stop picking on me. I'm very sensitive tonight.

Either you are completely healed or the Gin is working, your typing skills are very good after such a serious attack.
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A little Japanese girl being chased by Godzilla, or a babysitter in skimpy underwear being chased by Freddy?

Hmmm, don't really know. Gotta go with the Japanese girl.

Miss_Jayne, that's interesting. Sorry you got stung so badly. What is a
lymph drain?
I Was Intentionally & Vicously Attacked By A Bee, I mean YellowJacket....

Whichever it was, were you just venting?
Intentionally? Viciously?​
Oh great, so now the silkies are teaming up with the bees!? Think about it... this bee intentionally and vicously attacked PC. I don't know about the rest of you, but it sounds to me like that bee had been staring into a swirling walnut comb.
Oh My PC: I just saw this thread. It has me terribly upset! The tragedy, the drama!!! It will take me a while to get over this upset. An older person can just not take this kind of tension!!!

Poor little wasp!
Hey PC hope you are better this morning.

When my 15 YO DD got stung by them while mowing she didn't scream like a girl but she swore like a trooper LOL. Must be gender alternating venom in there LOL. By the way she didn't get the gin and tonic there was no time she got a trip to the hospital and a 2 day stay and went home with an eppi pen.

You can get the stinger out (if ya can't see it trust me it is there) by running the back of a butter knife over the sting.

Happy healing (no doubt if ya have enough gin and tonic it was happy LOL)
Whichever it was, were you just venting?
Intentionally? Viciously?

Of course I was just venting. I knew a bunch of my friends here would
enjoy the whole thing. Just look at all the brilliant responses to my overdramatic
original post.

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