I was soo excited


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 12, 2012
Today I was turning some compost of mine and when I took the trash bag I keep on it off... I had 6 potatoes sprouting in the pile. I wad so glad, I took it as a sign of some good compost. I planted the sprouts next to some red Pontiacs I planted earlier in the year. This is the first year I have tried potatoes so if you have some tips I haven't heard of that would be great. This is central Missouri if that helps. I also tried peanuts, so well see how that turns out.
Cool. Potatoes (and melons) in the compost are always fun. We grew these green pumpkins one year in ours. Never did figure out where the seed came from. Peanuts are fun to grow. You know they drop tendrils down from the blooms and that's where the peanuts form? Apparantly rabbits love the leaves.

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