IA here

I'm checking my duck pen and quacker box twice weekly for eggs. I'm hoping my 7 1/2 mo. old Indian runner hens and 3 yr old visiting Pekin hen will start laying eggs sooner rather than later. Since I designed my quacker box poorly it's quite the struggle to get into it- a 1 1/2 ft wide X 3 ft high door is a bit of a squeeze for me. ;) So the ducks have some nest boxes made out of tupperware totes set up outside their quacker box. I hope to build more nest boxes and will fix the duck house access issue in the spring. So are anyone's ducks thinking about laying yet? I've been debating on supplemental lighting. As a child our ducks laid in the dead of winter and daylength had less effect than people say it does. Perhaps times have changed or maybe I had weird ducks?

Guess who has to clear all the straw out of the inaccessible quacker box this weekend? Yup, it's going to be a tight squeeze and a shower afterwards is practically guaranteed!
Neighbors aren't too close fortunately. I did have some turkey hens that would take their babies on a half mile hike to visit on occasion. The neighbors rather enjoyed them :)
It's a balmy 1 in the coop this morning. The suns just now getting high enough to hit the coop so it should start warming up a bit. Most of the chickens are out in the run though.
My ducks just laid their first egg yesterday. Froze solid. Of course, laying in the pen instead of their duck house so I put out some nest boxes in the outdoor pen. Today I got the egg before it froze. I leave for work at 5:30 am and let ducks out of their pen at that time. I wonder how many frozen eggs I will find when I get home today? And will they lay them all over the yard too?

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