IA here

Just finished washing the show birds. Got a late start cause I rammed my little toe into the foot of the sofa yesterday AM. It's only been there 5 years and this is the first time! The bruise goes about 3" up my foot. Hope it's not broken!
The birds are drying in front of a heater. I have to dry off the old way.
Just finished washing the show birds. Got a late start cause I rammed my little toe into the foot of the sofa yesterday AM. It's only been there 5 years and this is the first time! The bruise goes about 3" up my foot. Hope it's not broken!
The birds are drying in front of a heater. I have to dry off the old way.
Ouch! Good luck at the show!
Hello from L.A. LOWER ALABAMA , Have you checked out MURRAY McMURRAY HATCHERY ,They are great , also they have been in business 97 years , between them and BYC, Our kids are in great hands.......:D
Just hatched out 3 chickies this week! I had set 7 eggs under 2 silkies. They got along great the whole 21 days, and even seemed to do fine after only 3 hatched, to share between them. However, today I went to a local hatchery and got 6 more baby chicks that are only a day older than mine and figured I'd just incorporate them in with the other 3. All seemed well at first, but when I checked later, the new ones were huddled in the corner. One of my silkies is a bit of a bully! She was pecking at them, and throwing them around. So I had to separate her with the three original chicks. Luckily, the other silkie could care less who is under her, and had taken them all under her by them time I got everything sorted out!
One of the chicks I hatched is smaller than the other two, so I may have a silkie/wyandotte cross. Will be interesting to see what that one looks like!

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