IA here

JUST got our coop and chicken run completed. The girls seem to love it. I have one that seems to have a secret desire to be a weather vane. I had never built anything in my life and had a fear of power tools, so this was a personal growing experience to put this together. My DH has been a blessing through it all; when I was whining, he just kept working alongside me.
. Now to "tweek" the coop. It needs more ventilation and more light. I am always open to suggestions. I live in Marion. The city finally okayed urban chickens so dove right in with my usual "it'll all work out" attitude and not as much planning as I should. You would think by the time I arrived at grandmahood I would have learned the art of planning a bit more. Would love any suggestions since a builder and chicken herder I am not.
I mostly concerned about winter--freezing temps, ventilation, light, water needs, etc.
That is a very nice coop! And your granddaughter seems to love her new friends!
Chickens are very cold hardy (most of them anyway). Are those buff orpingtons? If so, they will withstand winter well. I wouldn't change anything about your coop. If you want eggs all winter, you'll need to put a small 40-60 watt bulb in your coop on a timer. They need 14 hours of daylight to lay an egg.
I have a Buff Orphington (amongst other breeds) and even with this horrible winter all of mine were fine without any supplemental heat or light. Be very careful of adding electricity to your coop, I know of at least one person in Iowa who burnt all their chickens alive this winter. :(
Thanks for the advice. With this last winter getting down to -25 I am more concerned than I was; scarred from the winter. ;-? What is your method to keep water available and flowing instead of turning quickly to ice?

My name is Hunter and I am an officer in the Muscatine FFA in Muscatine, Iowa. I am thinking about trying to organize a poultry show in our town that would be an open show held in our ag center arena, Before I persue planning, finding a judge, supplies, etc. I need to get a general idea of how many people would show up.

Thanks for your interest.

Hunter Britton
Vjunebug, I just put water out in the morning and again when I got home from work, bringing it indoors overnight (since they don't eat or drink at that time anyway) to let it thaw. I also feed fermented feed, which is pretty wet so they get more moisture that way as well. If I already had an outdoor outlet I might have just gotten one of the horse water buckets and used that, but since I don't I just suffered with lugging water/ice every day. I did end up with some frozen eggs because my Light Brahma started laying right on the winter solstice, but I just cooked those up and fed it back to them so no big loss.
Anyone headed to the Waverly Road swap next Sunday? My sister and I thought we would swing down there for the weekend. My sister owns a nursery and thought maybe she would bring some Hostas along, do you think anyone would be interested? She is also selling down on some of her Seramas and peafowl. Hope there is a good turn out.
I too am going to the Waverly/Antique Acres this next weekend. I too hope there is a good turnout. It was good this spring, and the weather had not been good, too cold for much of anything, but still people turned out. This is the first time having it in June, so hopefully people will catch on to that.
I am planning on bringing chicks, Blue Lace Red Wyandotte, Lavender Orps, Marradunna Basques, and a few Lavender Ameracaunas, I have 30+ chicks now and more in the incubator ready to hatch tues/wed.

bantiesrule, I am looking for a peahen, I have an India Blue male that is 3 years old and needs a mate...And I would tell your sister to bring along any plants, anything goes at this meet. I have seen lots of different plants there, I have purchased many different plants at this swap and been tickled with all of it. We will be there on Sat, horse trailer with big American Flag flying of the end of it.
Anyone else in Marion shocking their neighbors, family and friends with raising chickens?

Hi vjunebug, I no longer live in Marion, but I grew up there and even graduated from Marion High in '78! Small world. I now live near Mason City and raise chickens, turkeys, and have a host of other critters! Welcome to BYC....wonderful site. You can learn sooooooooo much on this site, but be warned, it is very addictive!
Hey All, I live in town (Des Moines), and I may have a roo. Well, I'm pretty sure I have one, I'm actually worried I may have more than that. Although we can legally keep roos, if the neighbors complain about noise then he would have to go. I wanted to see if anyone might want an Ameracauna roo, if he does make too much noise and has to go? --Carrie
Hi vjunebug,  I no longer live in Marion, but I grew up there and even graduated from Marion High in '78! Small world. I now live near Mason City and raise chickens, turkeys, and have a host of other critters! Welcome to BYC....wonderful site. You can learn sooooooooo much on this site, but be warned, it is very addictive!

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