IA here

Bath done - he is not a happy camper
Put him in a cage and put a heat lamp on him after blowdrying him a bit, will keep him there until tomorrow. I know if I dried him all the way then put him back in the yard he would be right back in the mud.

ETA: Just found out about another friend (not a BYCer) that is going!!! She is bringing ducklings, BC maran chicks, eggs and some other stuff. They also have exotic pheasants - but I don't think she is bringing anything from them since they are just now breeding.
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Are you taking it to sell? I know when I got mine I had to have it shipped and it was not cheap!

My daughter and I are trying to come up with a "name" so I can make a sign for our table. Right now we are thinking "UrbanChickens" but I don't know...

I wish my son was home so he could whip up a logo. He is a wonderful artist!
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I'm getting ready. I am bringing a few goats, a couple rabbits, and probably a few hens. We'll be leaving around 3am to get there in time. I might buy a few chicks there. Not that I need them as I candled the eggs in the 'bator last night and it looks like most of them are developing
Yes, I'm bringing it to sell. You're right, it isn't cheap at all! I bought a 50 lb bag, and decided I'd offer it so someone else doesn't have plunge into such a big purchase.

I am now getting started on taxes
Don't know why I waited so long this year - am usually done in February and we have always got a refund...

YAY for Turbo Tax!
I didnt realize people went up tonight and stayed! What time is a good time to be there? We were going to leave at 3:30 but might leave earlier
Ok got 9 roosters loaded in the car, two gallons of water, chick food, layena, extra shavings, waterer and feeder. Heat lamp and an extra extension cord. Anything else I need besides the chicks, April and Chubby Bubby? We are packing a brunch too.
So what did everyone get? I picked up 3 pigeons, of course I forgot to ask what kind they were.

Some buff orp chicks and 3 cochin chicks. hope the cochins are girls.

I wanted a baby goat but don't have a place for:/

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