IA here

I try to pick only the finest looking eggs!
I sure wish that little one with no feathers yet would develop faster. They are all small so must bantams.
Am now looking into a couple of other breeds from across the pond as well, only if they come in bantam size.


Try the BYC search. I do know St James, MN show and swap on the 30th of this month. OooH! maybe closer to you, the 23rd, next weekend is Scribner, NE show. I think the Avoca, IA show is in May, but not positive.
June 4th is the final show for the Badger Poultry Club, Richland Center, WI. Those WI shows are must see shows for anyone who wishes to see exceptionally well run show. Very neat and tidy, with excellent 4-H participation.

I seems like they are getting fewer and fewer every year around here!!
thanks for the duck listing hubby would kill me at this point still trying to get incubator to function right. temp took a nose dive saturday then sunday it spiked hoping i caught the change in time. find out this weekend.

sounds like i might be getting rid of my little buckling this weekend. Steph if I do you want me to swing by with him 1st? I'm meeting them in Des Moines just don't know when yet.

I have decided that runner ducklings give baby goat a run for the cuteness.

Troy i love that roo.
ducklings are so adorable. I had a single Pekin hatch out. I also have a broody hen sitting on duck eggs. So I put it under her for now. I might have to keep this one. I have a feeling it's going to be super tame!

Is that fancy schmancy incubator controlling you? Or, have you lost control? LOL
You should enter those Wyandottes in the St. James show! You'd have some great competition up there..... Entry must be postmarked by the 20th. I can scan and send you a copy of the entry form and who to mail it too if you'd like? It's on Sat. the 30th. Only reqirement is p/t test papers on day of show and legs bands. I can not locate my leg bands so i called the contact person and asked if colored zip ties would work and he said that was fine.
I do not know where I put my leg bands, they have disappeared?

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