IA here

I got 7 Black jerseys and 7 BLRW among a group of mixed pure breed eggs from Echoinghills. Out of 19 chicken eggs I only hatched 2 BJG and 2 BLRW and 1 project Golden Cuckoo Marans. Not so good on her magpie ducks either only 1 out of 7. The bad part is ALL the ducks made it to lock down - definate humidity problems on that hatch. Most of the chickens didn't make it that far. Still, that was better than the 14 I got from tgrlily - none of them made it at all
Not a fan of shipping eggs.
Woohoo! I'm getting eggs now! My Easter Eggers are laying very nice blue-green eggs. They're the first of my hens to produce eggs, I always heard they're later layers but my other hens just kind of wander around.

But yay for eggs! Now to teach them to lay in the nestboxes, not under the truck.
Wow... I just locked down my incubator for my second hatch this morning and I already have an internal pip. I wonder if that 2 days of higher humidity earlier at around day 7 to hatch those duck eggs is making the hatch a little sooner?
Hello everyone im still alive.Been to busy to get on here lately.I was wondering if anyone knows when and where the next sale or swap is.I have more guineas than I know what to do with and some other misc stuff that needs to go.Jason keeps hatching like a physco and its time to sell.On the other hand Jason and I fell into a deal with Nancy Krohn and were able to work off 2 flocks of her birds which were BLRW and mille fluer cochins and worked out very well since we had been buying all of our birds from her anyway and she had some really nice birds I will post pics soon.She was well known for her cochins she has the color and the type down and these birds look GREAT.
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Lost an Ia blue hen :\\ idk what was wrong with her. That morning she looked like she had to lay an egg. That night we put them up and I noticed her on the bottom part of the pen still looking like she needed to lay, so I checked her, didn't feel anything. Checked her for mites, nothing...we were trying to figure out was wrong and get her to eat/drink when she pooped
it had the white in it like i've seen when my older hens had trouble laying once...but there was green in it, chunks of it, almost looked like green bean pieces. Jerrit thought it was parts of a caterpillar but idk.....she did ok, ate/drank quite a bit was pooping but looked bad this morning. I wanted to get stuff to flush her system today, but by the time I got done with work she was gone.
Burlington on sunday morning the 10th I think. Last month some birds sold well but only bargain hunters were really buying. If you go get there early! Almost nothing sells after 11 am. I am having a mental block what are BLRW? I know what Mille cochins are. Some are beautiful but they still don't all breed true yet. Keep wondering if they will ever become a recognized variety,also wonder that about self blues. There will be an exotic sale at Kalona in Aug. Have to look up the date. I have done very well there in the past. Also they sell birds on Wednesday morning at the sale barn in Kalona at 10. You have to have them checked in by 9:30 and bring your NPIP paper work or be prepared to pay for testing.
The heat was miserable yesterday
Lost a couple of chicks that had been struggling anyway, but the others seem OK.
I think today is going to be worse!

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