Icelandic Chickens

Kathy - I'm so sorry to hear about Fred. I hope he heals for you.
Wilma runs so fast , sometimes it looks like she has four legs. She could have won the Belmont stakes . I feel so badly for Fred, maybe accupuncture would help him. they have been using it alot for dogs, etc.
Well my son just came in and said my Blue Icelandic hen is dead, "just found her in the corner of the pen dead"!!!!! of course she was my favorite! I put the new Icelandic hen I just got in with the Blue rooster so maybe I can get some blue and crested chicks from them, she is laying but I guess it will take a week to make sure she is fertilized by the rooster, i have had her in quarantine since I got her from my friend, this is going on week three, she is healthy and laying, he had her running loose so I wanted to be sure she wasn't still bred by some nonIcelandic rooster so I will not save any eggs from her for at least a week from now!! i have had bad luck the last two weeks with broodies, had another one quit the nest today and she broke all her eggs!!! Well I don't give up easy so we will try again and see what comes of it! Lynn
Greybear, I'm sorry to hear that
Sounds like you've had a bit of rotten luck, I hope it improves. How old was your hen?

Muscovie Lover, speaking of avatars, yours made me laugh.
Kathy - I'm so sorry to hear about Fred.  I hope he heals for you. :fl :hugs

X2! My female Emu got hurt in her leg, and scraped the skin off. She was following my sister, and my sister shut the door on her leg without knowing that she was following her. :barnie Ann (the emu) was screaming and running allover the place bleeding. We treated and bounded her leg up, and the few days later it was swollen, I took the bandage off, and applied more gauze on her. It looks better now, and she looks perky. :fl

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