Icelandic Chickens

My condolences to you and your family.
While the loss of a loved one is never easy, even when anticipated, it is most certainly the hardest when they are taken from us too soon. The loss of your nephew who has left at such a youthful age is certainly in the category of those hard losses for which there is so painful a reminder of what might have been.
My sincere condolence and deepest sympathy on your loss. May the outpouring of sympathy, the kind acts of friends and strangers and the comfort in knowing that your loss is felt by many, help you through this difficult time.
I ask for God's blessings on you and your wonderful family. May you find the courage and strength to move forward in peace and confidence and in knowing that his short life was surrounded in love.
My condolences to you and your family.
While the loss of a loved one is never easy, even when anticipated, it is most certainly the hardest when they are taken from us too soon. The loss of your nephew who has left at such a youthful age is certainly in the category of those hard losses for which there is so painful a reminder of what might have been.
My sincere condolence and deepest sympathy on your loss. May the outpouring of sympathy, the kind acts of friends and strangers and the comfort in knowing that your loss is felt by many, help you through this difficult time.
I ask for God's blessings on you and your wonderful family. May you find the courage and strength to move forward in peace and confidence and in knowing that his short life was surrounded in love.
Kathy you took the words right out of my mouth, my sincerest condolences also! God bless and keep you! Lynn
Daron, I am so very sorry and sad for your family. Little Micah is very loved. That is evident by the pictures. Your brother and sister-in-law are incredibly strong. I can't even imagine the pain of losing him, with the joy of having had him, if even for a few moments. Your large and loving family will keep his memory alive. You are a fine young man and a good support person for your brother.

Take care of yourself. We care about you.

Farmerboy -
He sure looks like a little angel all bundled up in those pictures! So very sorry to hear this.
Daron, I know that you and your family believe that all things work together for those that love the Lord. There are things that none of us will understand on this side of heaven but my prayer is that you and your family will find comfort in knowing that Micah rests with his Creator and Lord.

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