Icelandic Chickens

Thanks everyone........ candled to besure there was no hairline cracks from PO... all look good to go in bator tomarrow.........
22 days to babies
Dang. I just noticed on one of the Icelandics I had named Fran, that there are wattles developing.

I had to rename it PHIL!!!

So 3 of 7 roos. He's really got a HUGE crest!

I find the biggest problem with Icelandics is that the roos are all so BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE, I don't want to part with any of them.....and to eat them seems like eating the Mona Lisa!!!!
I Can't keep them all!!!!!!! Mine are also free spirits, at the door the minute I get there, trying to sneak out...that's the wild free blood in them I guess!
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Pictures of my work! I also have one more that was a runt, and so pretty I couldn't bear to part with pictures yet, but he tuned our just as big and healthy as the rest of them!!!

Yup ! They do love to roam! And can fly up into a tree, unto a roof or over a fence with the best of them !

Joyous your boys look like grandsons of Sheriff Marys boy Isi ! A real poster boy for what an Icelandic should be.
Yup ! They do love to roam! And can fly up into a tree, unto a roof or over a fence with the best of them ! Joyous your boys look like grandsons of Sheriff Marys boy Isi ! A real poster boy for what an Icelandic should be.

Thanks Jake, such and honor to have this breed! We are truly fortunate!
Pictures of my work! I also have one more that was a runt, and so pretty I couldn't bear to part with pictures yet, but he tuned our just as big and healthy as the rest of them!!!

Oh my goodness, I LOVE this guy!
If there were a GQ for chickens, this guy would have to be on the cover.

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