I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

am so sad :hit I went over to my workshop to lock down my eggs before work and found the incubator off! I don't know what happened, everything was plugged in, so I think maybe a breaker flipped or something. Didn't have time to mess with it so ran the eggs into the house and plugged the incubator in. The eggs were all stone cold. I candled and still saw veins but in some it looked like the had started to disintegrate. I can just hope I saved some of them but I won't know until I get home from work at midnight and I might have lost the whole batch if I didn't catch it qui k enough. It could have been out for a few days.
am so sad :hit I went over to my workshop to lock down my eggs before work and found the incubator off! I don't know what happened, everything was plugged in, so I think maybe a breaker flipped or something. Didn't have time to mess with it so ran the eggs into the house and plugged the incubator in. The eggs were all stone cold. I candled and still saw veins but in some it looked like the had started to disintegrate. I can just hope I saved some of them but I won't know until I get home from work at midnight and I might have lost the whole batch if I didn't catch it qui k enough. It could have been out for a few days.

Oh no!!! That is just terrible!! How many eggs? Did you go ahead with lockdown anyway? You might still get some but they may be a few days late. Update when you check them again. :hugs
I'll be checking them tonight at about midnight when I get home from work, and if they look good I'll lay them on their sides. I did take them off the turner but left them standing up. I had some in there for my friend too so it's sad :( There were 11 WH eggs and about ten Ayam Cemani eggs, plus some marans eggs from my friend's flock. I just hope I caught it quick enough to save them, but I have no clue how long the power was off.
I'll be checking them tonight at about midnight when I get home from work, and if they look good I'll lay them on their sides. I did take them off the turner but left them standing up. I had some in there for my friend too so it's sad :( There were 11 WH eggs and about ten Ayam Cemani eggs, plus some marans eggs from my friend's flock. I just hope I caught it quick enough to save them, but I have no clue how long the power was off.
Please keep us posted. I hope they're ok!
I have 3 pips that I noticed around 4:45pm today, it is now almost 7pm and I haven't seen any progress. Anxiously awaiting some chicks with crossed fingers!!
These are my first ever to hatch myself so no idea what to expect as far as pip size etc. hoping within 24 hours to see at least the zip

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