I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

Yay! I'm excited! I'm currently on day 3,4 and 5 myself. Incant wait to candle this week.

I've got Barred Rocks, RIR's and some Bantys.
I'm on day 9 with 10 shipped silkie eggs and I just added 3 quail eggs last night. This will be my first staggered hatch, if the quails develop.

Im in day 3 now of incubating. Ive got some blue laced red wyandottes that were mailed to me. Fingers crossed. Its a long shot but even if they dont hatch its a great learning opportunity for my kids and myself. Im confident in my incubating abilities but I feel like these poor eggies went through a lot on the trip here.

I love to recommend this article to anyone doing shipped eggs for the first time. I follow it closely and have good hatches with shipped. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me anytime! Good luck!
I'm not brave enough to order eggs. My Rooster is pretty busy with 23 ladies! He's happy.

I do want Silkies tho.

My eggs are also staggered by 3 days.
It is my first time incubating eggs.

I set 60 brahma eggs on 12/8. All the eggs is from my own flock. My incubator is a still air that I have converted to a forced air due to mad temprature swings.
I hope all goes well.
Good luck everybody! Seems like there's a lot of first hatchesgoing on! I've never tried shipped eggs either, and if I do I'm ordering some ayam cenami's...
I set another batch of eggs a few days ago under three more hens (and I still have three broodies waiting in line, lol! Those Silkies are relentles...) and tonight's candling night! I'll let you guys know how it goes, and I'm hoping for lots of healthy babies!
Good luck everybody! Seems like there's a lot of first hatchesgoing on! I've never tried shipped eggs either, and if I do I'm ordering some ayam cenami's...
 I set another batch of eggs a few days ago under three more hens (and I still have three broodies waiting in line, lol! Those Silkies are relentles...) and tonight's candling night! I'll let you guys know how it goes, and I'm hoping for lots of healthy babies!

Who will you be ordering from? You need to be careful, there are a ton of scammers out there right now. Just saying it as an ayam cemani breeder who's seen way too many people get ripped off :/
Nobody, yet. I'm still looking and will keep that in mind. I do extensive research has before buying from anywhere and only buy from reputable breeders. I breed for quality and shows so I am very careful. Thanks for your Adobe and I will take extra care when I do find somewhere I feel comfortable with ordering from
Good luck! I just had to mention it because we keep seeing people in the ayam cemani thread who are getting ripped off. There's one person in particular on eBay who sells mixed breeds, and then when the chicks hatch looking like chipmunks and the person he sold to asks him about it, he says that they're just 'wild type', something that doesn't even exist!

Speaking of cemanis, tonight I'll be doing my first candling on the eggs I put in on Thursday. Fingers crossed that they're all doing well!
Good luck to everyone!

I'm so bummed. I have 2 yolkers in the bator and only 1 of 3 has hatched under my only brody. One had two air sacs, but had a fully formed chick inside (no blood) and my last egg looks ready, but she decided to stop sitting. Should I try to hatch in the bator? I'm at a steady 99.5 with 40-50 h.
Who will you be ordering from? You need to be careful, there are a ton of scammers out there right now. Just saying it as an ayam cemani breeder who's seen way too many people get ripped off :/

Yeah, I've been hearing about this too. Whenever a breed becomes popular there's always someone trying to cash in on it. It's sad, really.

Good luck to everyone!

I'm so bummed. I have 2 yolkers in the bator and only 1 of 3 has hatched under my only brody. One had two air sacs, but had a fully formed chick inside (no blood) and my last egg looks ready, but she decided to stop sitting. Should I try to hatch in the bator? I'm at a steady 99.5 with 40-50 h.

Sounds perfect, put them in. How long has she been off of them and around what day are they on?

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