I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

Actually, I have three pullets from Greenfire, and a trio (two hens and a cock) from Tonie Marie Austen. And of course I have a bunch of their babies running around, lol. And all of my AC eggs in the incubator are developing! Had one duck egg quit, but the other 11 are still coming along.
Do you sell eggs for the cemanis?
I am in Washington state. on the Key Pennisulla. I have a small preservation farm for chickens on the conservation list. I have 34 breeds and about 700 birds, last time I counted.. I have a Sizzle broody that is sitting on a doz Serama eggs for me. shes adorable, allmost no signs of being broody, I showed her the eggs and you could see the ownership of those eggs changing.. she jumped on the nest I handed her the eggs.. it was amazing.. Of course i didnt trust her to sit.. so I fired up the incubator just in case. after 4 days of monitoring it " just in case" I decided to stuff it full of wellsummers eggs. I also have a little frizzle Cochin that insisted on being broody. I didnt have the patience to break her brood so I let her keep her sizzle eggs,  She has a bearded roo as a boy friend..and I have my freeloading Houdans who only lay a few times a year sitting on 3 eggs.. all are due this weekend.. and I operate a food truck and wont be here to babysit them..
[/quote I love Sizzles ;))
I get stressed when I can't be around for a hatch. I thought this egg was a loss and came home to this new baby!
I want to join in... I have shipped silkie and frizzle eggs under a bantam cochin broody set to hatch August 28.

This is actually a convoluted story involving chicken math. I thought my cochin and my silkie were going broody at the same time. I wanted to see if the cochin was a good broody because my silkie's only redeeming characteristic is her maternal instinct. So I thought, I'll give the cochin some eggs and have the silkie as back up. As soon as I moved the cochin out of the coop, of course the silkie decided she wasn't broody anymore. I put the eggs under the cochin, but got nervous, "what if she quits on day 16 or something", so I bought an incubator. Then a week later, a fellow BYCer offered me some different silkie and frizzle eggs. "What good is an empty incubator? I have to make sure it works," I thought, so I put some of those eggs in the incubator with two left over which I kept around. Three days after the incubator eggs started, my silkie went broody, so I put the last eggs under her.

I started with 9 shipped eggs under the cochin, 2 shipped eggs (a week old by this time) and 10 local eggs in the bator, and 2 eggs under the silkie.

After candling, I have 6 shipped eggs under the cochin, 6 local eggs in the incubator, and 2 local eggs under the silkie. I have my fingers crossed that I will end up with a few chicks.
I'm betting out of 13 eggs I will have 3 chicks...tossed a cracked one,3 more weren't fertile and 9 more are unknowns because the shell is too thick and dark to see movement but 3 are visible and moving very well...so my prediction is 3 of 13.
I have babies!! my Serama eggs are hatching under my sizzle broody. nothing happening in the incubator at the moment. I had to cater a Zombie wedding the other day and when I came home it was a touch warm..dont know how long it was hot so I kept it going.. fingers crossed.. I havent checked the Houdan momma yet today..guess i better go make my nest box rounds
I have babies!! my Serama eggs are hatching under my sizzle broody. nothing happening in the incubator at the moment. I had to cater a Zombie wedding the other day and when I came home it was a touch warm..dont know how long it was hot so I kept it going.. fingers crossed.. I havent checked the Houdan momma yet today..guess i better go make my nest box rounds

Congrats! My broody orp has a little chick running around with her today that is just the cutest little thing. I didn't know if any of her eggs would hatch but they did and the baby is so cute! Takes after its father and looks a lot like he did when he was a baby, but I think it has a single comb.
The first pip!!!!!! Either Cochin or Silkie, hard to tell...
Lots of cheeping going on under mamas, cants wait for the chicks!!!!!
A chick!!!!!

Either wcb or creole polish, have to wait for her/him to dry to see...there's lots more pips, including my very first Serama egg!!!!!
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