I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

I have my first pips!!! 2 out of 5 have pipped so far.8 eggs were tossed earlier in the incubation period so I'm very anxious about these precious babies.
First egg has pipped in the incubator. Of course my digital thermometer decided to fail and I managed to bump the temperature control (lower fortunately). Now I'm waiting for things to equalize out....
Two chicks hatched today. I got a naked neck, time will tell if it's a show girl. Four eggs in the bator left and two under the last broody.

I learned a lot during my first incubation process. It was exciting, yet painful.

Final count 7 out of 9. They all
Have yellow dots on their heads and 2 are little miracles.

My second day of hatching was hard. I had one that unfortunately had a shell from another hatched chick, covering its pip hole. I don't know long it had been there, but after being up most of the night, I lost it.

My last egg still had movement, but no pip. It was a day overdo, so I opened it and sadly, it was shrink-wrapped. It died a few minutes after I got through the membrane.

I didn't think I would get this sad, but I feel like they were my babies and I wish I could've done more to save them.
I'll be putting sizzles in tomorrow. Just finished hatching 12 lavender Orpington chicks but I have one straggler in the bator left. I'll keep you company too!
I draw the airsacs on the egg at days 7,10,14 and 18 so I'm sure the biggest part of the sac is up at lockdown. Has worked well for me.
So hatch day is tomorrow, everything has gone well and Lulu is a dedicated and fierce mom for sure! This morning, my appenzeller spitzhausen is flat as a pancake on a different nest with no eggs..... What do I do? Give her any of the eggs that don't hatch under Lulu just to see? Or try to break her from it?
So the ultimate result was 3 survivors. One has a funky foot. Might not have had enough nutrition in the egg or it hurt it's foot getting out...my bet is on lack of nutrients. Time will tell. Electrolytes and a low stress environment should help him heal up if it is possible for him to do so. He's eating and drinking and is the largest of the three.
One of ours has hatched, four more pipping, but the chick that hatched was dead under Lulu. She had eaten the shell, not sure if she killed it? Since we have another broody we moved her and the hatching nest into a dog crate. She settled on the right away. I'm panicking though! Considering going to buy a heat lamp and just raising the surviving chicks inside....

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