
So I promised La Casa de Pollo a while back that I would share updated pictures of Moxie, the chick she debated keeping, but sent to Chickenstock. Here she is today, still quite the spitfire.

Her sister Sweet Gypsy Jane

Her other sister and the ringleader of my whole flock Firefly
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Hey guys!!  Been a crazy summer... add camp and family reunions to baseball and I am ready for a vacation, actually, a really long nap would be nice, lol...

Hoy moly, that's a lot of babies!!   They sure are cute!!  Awesome egg from that beautiful GCM pullet!!!  YAY!!!!

:yuckyuck   That is awesome!!  I vote hen on the buff orpington

Welcome!!  I would say those breeds you liked in GA should do fine here in ID... unless you want to try something new, of course =)

Oh my goodness Shawn, that is beyond words...  Jeff (my DH) is telling me you should get an autopsy, can you do that on animals??  But then how would you be able prove anything??  Oh.. now Jeff is saying you need cameras out there...  you can get some that aren't that expensive, and you can rewind them in time sections till you find the spot you are looking for... 


Yay for first eggs!! Lisa... that olive egger pullet is holding out on me for her first egg... she is red as can be so ANYDAY now girlie, sheesh!!

My legbar and wheaten marans chicks are really growing out nicely, it's making me really excited for hatching next year!!  I will selling my extra legbars probably as a trio this fall once I decide who I am keeping, if there is anyone interested later on this year...  The extra wheaten marans roos are going to freezer camp, I am keeping all the pullets until they lay, hehe....   Just put some shipped eggs with actually decent air cells under a broody hen for lockdown, so hopefully I will have some rhodebar and swedish flower hen chicks within the next week, too  (they will all be for sale)...

Would be very interested in your cream legbars if you decide to get rid if some this fall :D
I've been gone this month.. family reunion, trek, scout encampment, work etc.. haven't had time to do much but keep up..

When we went out to do chores tonight we found Porter, our Great Pyrenees had died. I believe he was poisoned... Has not been a fun night... wish we lived out there so the neighbors couldn't get away with stuff like this.. I need an LGD to keep everyone else safe but am afraid to get another one until we live out there..

Sorry for the downer post but knew my BYC friends are there for support!
I am so sorry for you and Porter!! Just don't understand people!! So many of them lack a heart. Prayers sent that your family can overcome this tragedy.

WELCOME to the newbies!! Glad to have you aboard :)

Shawn... so sorry about Porter, that is tough

All of my birds were panting (even at 10pm..) - felt so bad. I was contemplating putting up a misting system, just need to figure out a few things.
MeAnd, here in Utah we are having a bad time too with the heat. I have my hose attachment set on FLAT spray and have it directed across the ends of my runs during the day. I have one hen that has been overcome by the heat and is struggling. She looks better one day then relapses. Sad!!! My neighbor has lost two this week. Not only are poultry suffering but also people are losing their rabbits here, and other small animals. Wish this heat wave would pass!!

Several people have purchased misters and are saying they are working great!!
These are three of the little mille fleur cochin bantams we got from pawtraitart. You should know I picked them for variety from the ones she had, not perfect colors. I know very little about colors but love these. They are a little over a month old now and very cute. The foot feathering is way better than most of my hatchery cochins. Probably everything else too! lol. The top one is very hard to get a photo of. lol She has a cute little tail that is low and cochin.

This is one of the pretty roosters.

This is the other rooster. It is going to be hard to chose between them. Might have to find a way to keep both. The fourth is the pullet in the top right corner but didnt get a good photo of her this time.
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He is gorgeous!

I have a pic, for Mandi--Mo5c--

This is my frizzle...from the same hatch as yours. Does it look more or less girlie than your Moms, can you tell? Hope they are both girls!






Here is my new doghouse coop. It works great! for my Houdans.




And the Houdans--My roo Dwight Schrute. His hairdo is always a hot mess :)



His Ladies--Dunder, Mifflin, and Pam



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Love all the pics guys!!

Lisa, that doghouse coop is neat! Is the doghouse attached to the run? And the quail ho-tail
Love it!!

Kala... I will let you know first about the legbars when I decide =) I also have a couple barnyard mix started pullets that are almost 3 months old that need to be re-homed, they will be brown egg-layers... $8 each for anyone that wants some started pullets

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