
Your morning funny:

For those of you in Boise/Meridian, in subdivisions, do you worry about hawks? We have a few that fly around over head every once in a while. I'd love to let my silkies run around in the yard more often, but I worry they'll get snatched, and it's just been too hot for me to sit out there and keep an eye on them for long.

I live in a subdivision where everyone is on about an acre, we see hawks fly over but they have never tried anything.
I live in a subdivision where everyone is on about an acre, we see hawks fly over but they have never tried anything.
I've never seen them land over here either. Lots of folks here have small dogs and cats that are outside too and no problems.... I think I worry too much.
I am looking at a few places to move to Nampa, ID was one of them. Are chickens or quail allowed there? I couldn't seem to find that information on the internet. I wouldn't have more than an acre if that, in all likelihood. Thanks to any who reply.
I know this post is old but I was told you are allowed 6 hens in the city limits no roos
ok so I got a question anyone here gotten chickens from Dunlaps?
I bought some hens from a man and he said he got them from the store and when he got them he said they had clipped their beaks to take the points off them so now their beaks are I think too long and one of them her beak is so blunted that she has trouble picking up bugs and she is sooooooooooooo friendly I just don't know what to do I paid this man $10 ea for these hens only to realize they are not in as good a shape as I thought I worry about them eating well and 2 of them I can't seem to keep in my yard and I have clipped their wings they get on top of the fence and up in a tree by the fence I let my hens all free range and 4 of the 6 of them use the coop and are doing great. I sorta wish I didn't get the two red leghorns I like the white sex link and black sex links I have real well. if I could find a way to get another white hen around the same age as my girls I would trade the 2 reds for 1 white  sex link mine are 11months old but like I said they do have the beak problems, anyone got any idea what I should do ? the man said he was sure they would be just fine.  I have a 4 ft chain-link fence all around my yard and my chia's can't even get out of it so I know they are not walking thru the fence. I would love any advice. 

Hey, I live in Caldwell & bought 9 chicks at Dunlap's last year & 1 this year. None have had anything done to their beaks. I've also bought feed, grit, pine shavings & other supplies at Dunlap's & never seen a bird older than a couple weeks. I bought my Araucana pullet (1 week) about 3 weeks ago & that was their last hatch for the season; none left now. I would call Dunlap's & ask about the beaks. They are a family business & very reputable & extremely helpful. I think the guy is lying & I feel bad for the hens. I have heard of the beak clipping when birds are in overcrowded conditions to stop feather pecking.
When I was at Dunlap's a few months ago to look for silkie chicks I didn't see anything off about them like that, either. I also didn't see any older birds.

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