
I have a trio available right now if you know of someone who could take the cockeral! The pullets have started to lay already. I'm in Paul. (Burley/Rupert area)
By the way.. My new little chick finally got here this weekend!!!!

PERFECT!!! Congrats - she is beautiful!

I am planning on going to the auction, just for the experience if nothing else. I am also looking for quality bantam cochins, but then I have to figure out who to replace, sigh. Someday I will have property to expand - Lord willing
( I actually have a fairly decent sized "wish list, haha)

YES - my son & I will be wearing our most awesome CHICKENSTOCK shirts ;)
I love my cochins. I've never been much for bantams but I can't resist the cuteness of the little puffy feather footed babies.

Okay, here's some eye candy for my Idaho peeps!!!!

I always thought bantams were pretty but never wanted any. Big chickens like cochin and brahma seemed more exciting. Then I got a chance to get some bantam cochins. :D One thing I notice about mine is the beautiful patterned leg and foot feathers. Those patterns are worth having the chickens. Another thing is photos will never do justice to these mille fleur. The feather patterns are something the camera just doesnt seem to capture all that well. Anyway I am glad I had a chance to get mine even though bantams were the fartherest thing from my mind when I got chicks this spring.
I always thought bantams were pretty but never wanted any. Big chickens like cochin and brahma seemed more exciting. Then I got a chance to get some bantam cochins. :D One thing I notice about mine is the beautiful patterned leg and foot feathers. Those patterns are worth having the chickens. Another thing is photos will never do justice to these mille fleur. The feather patterns are something the camera just doesnt seem to capture all that well. Anyway I am glad I had a chance to get mine even though bantams were the fartherest thing from my mind when I got chicks this spring.
Bantam cochins are just so adorable! They aren't my biggest seller so I'm tempted sometimes to sell my bantam breeders to make room for other projects but I can never do it. I love them too much.

How much did you want for them and what age are they?
25.00 for the trio. I don't know their exact age but since the pullets have started to lay I'd say over 20 weeks. Oh, and if you want broodies my bantam cochins come from a very broody line. I have two blue split to mottled ladies sitting on eggs right now.

MY three boy's entered there chickens in the Idaho state fair and all three won ribbons.
Happy boys and chickens.


Anybody looking for some wheaten ameraucana pullets? I'm sold out of pullets for the season except for some ameraucana. I guess I could keep them, but I really have enough chickens to winter this year with the new breeds I've added to my farm. I'm also looking to sell a pair of jubilee orpingtons. I have four females and three males. I don't mind keeping an extra male, but three? That's a bit much so I'd be okay with letting one of the girls go just so the extra male can avoid freezer camp.
ok, seriously??????!!!!!!?????? I already can't decide who to keep and now you're selling a pair of jubilees??? and then you post pictures??? that is cruel and unusual punishment for a fellow chicken addict!!

What a busy summer! So happy the temps are dropping, now if we could just get the smoke to dwindle as well.....Not sure how bad it is in TF area, Boise area is yuk...
The IBBA Idaho Bird Breeders Assoc is having their fall auction. It's always fun to go see what people are raising.
Fall Auction - September 7, 2013
Auctions begin at Noon
Located: Canyon County Fair Grounds, 111 22nd Street, Caldwell, Idaho
  • Open to the public to buy and sell poultry, waterfowl, game birds, and related items​
Ohhhh... sounds fun!!! too bad I live too far away, have fun, though!!!

Twin Falls!

Pocatello and it always windy at my house....

By the way.. My new little chick finally got here this weekend!!!!

Ahhhhh.... congrats Shawn!!!

Bantam cochins are just so adorable! They aren't my biggest seller so I'm tempted sometimes to sell my bantam breeders to make room for other projects but I can never do it. I love them too much.

25.00 for the trio. I don't know their exact age but since the pullets have started to lay I'd say over 20 weeks. Oh, and if you want broodies my bantam cochins come from a very broody line. I have two blue split to mottled ladies sitting on eggs right now.

My blue split from you is an awesome broody, too... 3 hatches this summer, and I've had to break her twice, silly girl!!! Love the bantam cochins... Michelle has really nice birds, of course!!

Well, it's official, I have more birds than I wanted going into the fall, but I will be glad I have them in the late winter when it's hatching time again... I'm growing out Wheaten Marans and Crested Cream Legbars right now, and have heritage German New Hampshires that I will put in some test hatches mid-winter... wow they are proving to be great layers and the cockerels get big!! My young cockerel was bigger than my Marans roo at 7 months, very calm birds, too...
I live in Spirit Lake and need help. I have four 2 week old feather footed chicks with curled toes/ankles. I have been trying since day 3 to fix them but I'm having trouble. Is there anyone in my area that is able to help us? I'm using a mix of bandaids, toothpicks as splints, medical tape and I've tried making a stencil for their toes. I had this happen last year and was able to correct it but this year is proving more than I can handle. I would appreciate any help I can get. Thank you!

Sometimes nutrition in parent birds' as well as in chicks' diets can affect this. There is some info on this on the Poultry Podiatry page on my site, if you haven't already read things on that.

If you think trying splints some more would be helpful, I also have illustrations on that at .

I live a zillion miles away so couldn't look at your birds in person, but could you take photos of their legs (in case a slipped tendon or something may be affecting their feet from higher up their legs) & feet from different angles? If you start a thread on them in the "Emergencies" section, I'd be glad to see if I could help figure any other ideas.

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