Ideal Poultry (Cameron Tx) Routing to Arizona?

Had my phones caller ID not identified our "postmaster" as the missed call I'd climbed out of bed to answer I'd never known my chicks were at the post office. They didn't leave a message but my chicks were fine when I arrived at the post office 20 minutes later. I hope yours are ok too when you picked them up this morning! Please keep us updated!
I picked them up a bit ago. 14 of the 15 alive, running around, 1 of the 14 is a little groggy. the 15th was trampled, but still breathing so it's still in the box, with some paper towels and sugar water and a mound of food, under the edges of the heat lamp. We'll see about that one. Their interest was first warmth, then food, then water, so I'm happy that I've seen multiple birds drinking and eating.
I picked them up a bit ago. 14 of the 15 alive, running around, 1 of the 14 is a little groggy. the 15th was trampled, but still breathing so it's still in the box, with some paper towels and sugar water and a mound of food, under the edges of the heat lamp. We'll see about that one. Their interest was first warmth, then food, then water, so I'm happy that I've seen multiple birds drinking and eating.
Congratulations on all of them making it alive!I hope the little ones pulls thru!:woot
I picked them up a bit ago. 14 of the 15 alive, running around, 1 of the 14 is a little groggy. the 15th was trampled, but still breathing so it's still in the box, with some paper towels and sugar water and a mound of food, under the edges of the heat lamp. We'll see about that one. Their interest was first warmth, then food, then water, so I'm happy that I've seen multiple birds drinking and eating.
Thanks for updating!
I'm glad they are (mostly) doing well, and that you did not receive a "silent" box of dead chicks :)
The hospital (trampled) chick didn't make it thorugh the night. I think it was too badly injured to eat and drink, because anything I put on its beak or under its beak didn't go in. I think the third day in shipping made all the difference, since it was alive when it arrived. Watching the naked neck but all the others are great.
I've ordered from Ideal several times, and that seems usual for them:
the chicks actually ship the evening before "hatch day."
(So the chicks would actually be hatching on Sunday and Tuesday, even though they list hatch days as Monday and Wednesday.)
We have a Monday hatch which all birds hatch on Monday and are shipped Monday. Then a Tuesday/Wednesday hatch in which we ship all of the two day shipments Tuesday and one day shipments on Wednesday so ideally all shipments arrive on Thursday morning.
The naked neck went downhill, slept a lot yesterday and passed over night. I gave it water (dipped beak), and egg yolk. It looked like it hard a hard trip from the beginning, made it to the feeder and waterer the first day before it declined.
And, there was NO heat pack under the straw in the box. It was listed on the invoice though.
I'm cleaning up some pasty butt, but the affected ones still look really good, indistinguishable from the others, and are improving. Just two will need another cleaning as of now and even their poops are looking better. They have probiotics in the water and the garlic brewers yeast (contains probiotics) in the food. I think the dose is such that I'm not giving them too much though.
Gonna be some interesting birds! Some silver white down (not yellow), etc. Will do another thread for all that.

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