Ideal Poultry - Shipping Wednesday *06/27/12* - Anyone Else??

when I mentioned it to DH he just shook his head and left the room. I figure if he doesn't say no that means yes right?

CandleGal: Well, it has worked for me for the last 20 years!
Crossing my fingers and toes for your PA move! I have a very good friend that lives there. I hope to get to visit her one day, it is sure a beautiful state! They probably are EE's, I did some reading and Ameraucanas lay blue eggs, the two hens I have definitely lay green eggs LOL, and from what I read, if it's a hatchery bird, its most likely an EE. This morning I did take a good look at the two chicks and they both have cheek poofs! I will try and get a good pic of their little heads next time. I just love poofy faced chickens!

I ordered a coop cam today! One of my Buff Orp hens looks like she is going broody! I am so tickled pink, I sure hope so. She has stayed in the nest for the past 3 nights on a golf ball LOL. I feel bad, I need to get her some more golf balls or some plastic eggs LOL. She did change nests once so far and I have been reading that you want to put her in a seperate nest all together than the laying nests but I am not sure she would stay in there. I might try it (set a box or crate on the floor of the coop) and put all the golf balls in it and see what she does. I would really love for her to be broody and stay broody because I could 1) put some of the darn turkey eggs under her or 2) put some of the July 25th chicks under her! I am actually more tempted to put the turkey eggs under her because they are not as precious to me as the ordered chicks and I worry she won't accept them and may even attack/kill them.

I may move her tonight and see how it goes for a couple days before I do anything else, but it would be rockin' if she could hatch and raise some of these turkeys. I still need to get them candled, we can't find a flashlight! LOL, so silly, we have tons, but they must have all gotten packed when we moved and are in storage still.
Didn't get the broody hen moved tonight, and she changed nests again.. not sure if we can fix that or not. We put all the golf balls in the nest she is in and we will see in a couple days before I stick any turkey eggs under her, provided, of course, that they have any poults in them!

Can't believe our chicks from Ideal will be a week old tomorrow! And to celebrate the occassion, and because I was going through a couple rolls of paper towels a day, we put them on shavings tonight. They seemed fascinated with the new flooring and went right to eating and being chickens.

I went ahead and turned their light out at 10:30 like normal and oh my gosh, I have never heard so much noise! They let me know, in no uncertain terms, that they were NOT happy with going to bed in a new environment after only 5 minutes... so, since it is 4th of July eve (LOL), I am letting them stay up a little late tonight.. ok, ok, I did it so I didn't have to listen to them make so much noise LOL. I will turn out the light at 11:00 tonight and hope for the best!

We put a board in to elevate their water but all we had tonight was one long board and immediately, of course, they poo'd on it, so I went ahead and covered it with paper towels in hopes to make cleanup a bit easier. We will have to try and find something better tomorrow or this coming weekend.

The little piggies gathered around the food bowl!
Hi everybody -- I'm also a total chicken neophyte, with baby chicks that are just one week old today. They were supposed to ship a couple of weeks ago to join 6 Easter Eggers, who've now grown QUITE a BIT -- as well as a group of 8 who have not arrived yet. So I have some trepidation about getting everybody together when it's time. Somehow the newest babies look SO tiny compared to their EE sisters. I absolutely share your excitement and anticipation. Despite the timing hassles I've been giddy with chick fever. So far the feathered family includes: 1 Buff Orpington, 2 Silkies (kind of creamy/splashy), 2 Black Austrolorps, 1 Road Island Red, and 1 Polish (white crested -- looks like he or she is wearing a vest -- actually it sort of looks like the worlds tiniest Stork). And of course the lovely if huge-by-comparison EEs. On their way are: 1 Barred Plymouth Rock, 3 Faverolles and a Cochin. Every body is female except one Faverolle rooster, and the questionable Polish. Anyway it would be great to have some brooder buddies -- especially since I may be in the brooder phase for a rather long time. Still we could share photos . . . brag about developmental hurdles . . . research the best Kinder-Chicken programs. It is very late here. I have somehow lost the little thermometer that I was using so easily -- and I've been consulting my candy thermometer (pretty useless) And my bread thingy (better) And mostly just watching them sleep here and there. Best wishes to all of you and yours.
Dear Debi.
I'm so glad you started this little " expectant parents' club" -- great idea, truly.
I wanted to ask you briefly about your curatives for the lice and mites problems. As it's not exactly on thread topic, so I thought I'd reply to you directly - - - I'm rather clueless about forum etiquette . . . and more so regarding chickens.
We don't have a chicken-buggie problem that I'm aware of (please let me be right on this!) The babies we have are so downy and new, I don't know how I'd even find out . . . The slightly older girls (EEs) are just getting their feathers in and they DO look a bit woebegone -- patchy in spots. I'm hoping that's normal ? What we have had a problem with this year is fleas (of the typical doggie variety). Strange weather and a dog walker with Attention-Deficit Disorder, have conspired to make our pooches lives a living scratch-a-thon -- on and off -- since late May. I've been told that they don't bother birds, but I'm just worried that the current climate may have become parasite heaven, and I'd like to be prepared, just in case.
Additionally, it's dawned on me that I really don't know enough about when or how I should help them with the grooming stuff. My EE girls have been looking as though they're trying to groom -- themselves, each other, their beanie-baby duck -- and I wonder if I should be providing dust of some sort. Maybe in a little tub? With a tasteful shower curtain for privacy?
More specifically, can you tell me what the deal is with wood ash? Is it as straight forward as it sounds? I hate to sound stupid, but I've not heard of it (the food grade DE, yes, but not the wood ash or the virgin coconut oil.) Is that what you're dipping the legs of your other ladies into? Sounds like kind of a cool, after-bath, moisturizing ritual. You might consider opening a nice little chicken day-spa while your waiting for your babies . . . or not. Anyway. If you have a moment to explain the wood ash and coconut oil measures (and should I be providing wood ash or something else for them to begin taking dust baths?) Couldn't I just send them off to your day-spa for a nice little vacation? I'm feeling overwhelmed. I hope it's not obvious or anything. Okay, deep breath . . . If I knew how to upload a photo of my somewhat motley EEs, (maybe I'll bribe my dog-walker -- she could use a career change) Hmmm.
Honestly, anything you might be able to share concerning the appropriate age for a first dust bath, and what beauty products should be involved to keep the itchies at bay . . . you know, just in your copious free time . . . I'd be most grateful.
And again, thanks for the new parent's thread. I'm holding warmest thoughts and best wishes for you and your feathery family.
Didn't get the broody hen moved tonight, and she changed nests again.. not sure if we can fix that or not. We put all the golf balls in the nest she is in and we will see in a couple days before I stick any turkey eggs under her, provided, of course, that they have any poults in them!

Can't believe our chicks from Ideal will be a week old tomorrow! And to celebrate the occassion, and because I was going through a couple rolls of paper towels a day, we put them on shavings tonight. They seemed fascinated with the new flooring and went right to eating and being chickens.

I went ahead and turned their light out at 10:30 like normal and oh my gosh, I have never heard so much noise! They let me know, in no uncertain terms, that they were NOT happy with going to bed in a new environment after only 5 minutes... so, since it is 4th of July eve (LOL), I am letting them stay up a little late tonight.. ok, ok, I did it so I didn't have to listen to them make so much noise LOL. I will turn out the light at 11:00 tonight and hope for the best!

We put a board in to elevate their water but all we had tonight was one long board and immediately, of course, they poo'd on it, so I went ahead and covered it with paper towels in hopes to make cleanup a bit easier. We will have to try and find something better tomorrow or this coming weekend.

The little piggies gathered around the food bowl!

AWESOME they are so Cute! I was thinking of using puppy pee pads ( I have a leftover box) for the first few days instead of paper towels-- my little guy are due next week I am nervous... and excited.... I found a one inch round plastic cover from the weed whacker line package (it was the packaging the line comes in) and I just duct taped it to the bottom of the waterer and that works pretty good for my first 6 little piggies ( they came as 3 week olds)....
FuzzyMugz: Welcome! Grats on your new little fluff bottoms! Even though my parents had lots of chickens when I was a kid and young adult, I haven't been around chickens for almost 20 years!
So I kinda feel like a chicken newbie too LOL. So your chicks are going to be a week apart for each batch about? I hear ya on chick fever! My problem is variety, I LOVE variety and can't wait to see how the chicks turn out. I gotta get ahold of myself LOL, deep breath, deep breath and enjoy!

I needed some chicken buddies to share all the excitement as well (plus having BYC to talk chicken keeps me from driving all my family and friends crazy with chicken talk LOL

I think chicks go through alot of ugglies as they get their feathers in, they can look pretty rough and patchy LOL. My week olds are starting to look less fuzzy as they get feathers over fluff.

I am planning on putting in a little pan of good ole' dirt mixed in with a little wood ash (must be straight wood ash only, no other burned stuff in it, I have read hard wood ash is the best) and diatomaceous earth (oh, a couple quarts of dirt, and maybe a 1/2 cup each of the other two) in with the chicks when we move them out of the house (between 2 and 3 weeks of age).

I learned about the wood ash and the coconut oil on various other threads. We didn't use the coconut oil this time because I really wanted to make sure we killed the bugs, so I decided to use pesticides (Sevin), but I prefer to prevent rather than treat, so now we are going all organic on the prevention.

If we see any problems with bugs on the chickens in the future, I will use the coconut oil (warm to melt - doesn't take much heat, I am going to put it in a bow of hot tap water) to spray their vent area, under their wings and at the back of their necks (and may do this monthly or bi-weekly during heavy mite/lice season). I am also going to provide a dust bath tub in the coop with the same dirt, DE and wood ash year round, as well as put DE and wood ash in their most common outside dusting areas when they are free ranging.

I "think" fleas can get on chickens, and I "think" fleas have hard shells just like mites and lice, so the same treatments for them should work for fleas... I "think". You might do a search for "fleas" in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures forum and see what you pull up.

I have also just read at Mother Earth news magazine that to help prevent fleas on dogs, thinly slice one lemon and put in a pint jar, cover with boiling water, and let sit for 24 hours then spray on dog enough to dampen (not soak), once a month during flea season. If it works for dogs to prevent fleas, it surely would work for anything else. I am wondering if it would work for lice/mites! I also read for fleas you can get eucalyptus stems (with leaves) and put a vace of them in each room of your house, fleas hate the smell. You can even put the leaves into socks and put them out in your yard (hang them in trees, bushes, etc).

We don't have a flea problem here where we live in Idaho, but if I can find out if the lemon water works on lice and mites, I will encorporate it into our organic prevention routine. And really, who wouldn't mind a lemon water spritzer on a hot summer day?

CAjerskeychick: I have read of people using the puppy pads too. And having the plastic lining on the back would help greatly with overspill from the water dish! which we just recently had to deal with and lift the box up and put a garbage bag UNDER the bottom. I definitely have to do something different to elevate both their food and water, they are having a hay-day kicking up shavings in EVERYTHING! We changed the water 4 times today already just to get the shavings out LOL.

Happy 4th of July everyone! We are heading out the soor here soon to watch the fireworks.
Good morning! I hope noone has a hangover this morning
We sure don't, my husband had to leave for work at 3:00 a.m. so our night was cut short. We only did a few fireworks and will do the rest Friday night.

My darn chickens didn't lay us any eggs yesterday, so today they are being kept in the coop all day instead of out to free-range. We are worried that they are laying somewhere else (there are millions of hidey holes in several buildings!). This is why I want to do paddocks instead of free-ranging... you get all the benefits of free-ranging without potentially losing eggs to hidden nests.

Anyway, until I can get my chicken nipples done for the chicks or get something better to sit their food and water on, I have temporarily rigged bowls to use to lift them up LOL. I already like it better because they were flipping their new bedding around all over and hardly any of it got INTO their water or food!

I keep telling the kids that we are going to eat some of these birds, all the turkeys and some of the chickens, but that we are going to keep most of the chickens for our flock. I encourage them to love on the laying chicks, not the meat chicks or the turkeys, but the turkeys are so darn CUTE, it is hard to resist. Here is my son, holding one of the "CraaAzy Cranberry" 's!

My Goodness that's adorable. Your boy looks like a sweetie pie as well. I've heard of the caveats concerning not naming the meat birds etc. etc. but come on already -- you can't help enjoying how adorable they are at the moment. And in a few months -- you can bet your chicken nipples -- they're gonna look great . . . in a different context.
FuzzyMugz: Welcome! Grats on your new little fluff bottoms! Even though my parents had lots of chickens when I was a kid and young adult, I haven't been around chickens for almost 20 years!
So I kinda feel like a chicken newbie too LOL. So your chicks are going to be a week apart for each batch about? I hear ya on chick fever! My problem is variety, I LOVE variety and can't wait to see how the chicks turn out. I gotta get ahold of myself LOL, deep breath, deep breath and enjoy!

I needed some chicken buddies to share all the excitement as well (plus having BYC to talk chicken keeps me from driving all my family and friends crazy with chicken talk LOL

I think chicks go through alot of ugglies as they get their feathers in, they can look pretty rough and patchy LOL. My week olds are starting to look less fuzzy as they get feathers over fluff.

I am planning on putting in a little pan of good ole' dirt mixed in with a little wood ash (must be straight wood ash only, no other burned stuff in it, I have read hard wood ash is the best) and diatomaceous earth (oh, a couple quarts of dirt, and maybe a 1/2 cup each of the other two) in with the chicks when we move them out of the house (between 2 and 3 weeks of age).

I learned about the wood ash and the coconut oil on various other threads. We didn't use the coconut oil this time because I really wanted to make sure we killed the bugs, so I decided to use pesticides (Sevin), but I prefer to prevent rather than treat, so now we are going all organic on the prevention.

If we see any problems with bugs on the chickens in the future, I will use the coconut oil (warm to melt - doesn't take much heat, I am going to put it in a bow of hot tap water) to spray their vent area, under their wings and at the back of their necks (and may do this monthly or bi-weekly during heavy mite/lice season). I am also going to provide a dust bath tub in the coop with the same dirt, DE and wood ash year round, as well as put DE and wood ash in their most common outside dusting areas when they are free ranging.

I "think" fleas can get on chickens, and I "think" fleas have hard shells just like mites and lice, so the same treatments for them should work for fleas... I "think". You might do a search for "fleas" in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures forum and see what you pull up.

I have also just read at Mother Earth news magazine that to help prevent fleas on dogs, thinly slice one lemon and put in a pint jar, cover with boiling water, and let sit for 24 hours then spray on dog enough to dampen (not soak), once a month during flea season. If it works for dogs to prevent fleas, it surely would work for anything else. I am wondering if it would work for lice/mites! I also read for fleas you can get eucalyptus stems (with leaves) and put a vace of them in each room of your house, fleas hate the smell. You can even put the leaves into socks and put them out in your yard (hang them in trees, bushes, etc).

We don't have a flea problem here where we live in Idaho, but if I can find out if the lemon water works on lice and mites, I will encorporate it into our organic prevention routine. And really, who wouldn't mind a lemon water spritzer on a hot summer day?

CAjerskeychick: I have read of people using the puppy pads too. And having the plastic lining on the back would help greatly with overspill from the water dish! which we just recently had to deal with and lift the box up and put a garbage bag UNDER the bottom. I definitely have to do something different to elevate both their food and water, they are having a hay-day kicking up shavings in EVERYTHING! We changed the water 4 times today already just to get the shavings out LOL.

Happy 4th of July everyone! We are heading out the soor here soon to watch the fireworks.

Thanks for the puppy pee pad OK ! I will def. try them -- am excited and also very anxious about the day olds coming soon! Will I be a good and careful momma? Am sad to report that a half hours inattentiveness caused the loss of one of our 4 week old chicks (the biggest one) I knew my big dog was nosing around their "tractor" (its a 4x4ft cardboard box a piece of furniture came in we have it covered with mesh and we move it around daily) and I got distracted when i went to get the dogs' food and when I came back there was one chick out, dead and the dog was nosing under the box to get another one! ( I guess I thought the dog was in the kitchen waiting for her dinner like the other dogs...) WE HAVE to get that coop/ run finished (roof went on tonight we just have to screw on the nest box cover and cover the run and in they go.... although I did like them being able to "tractor " around the yard-- no one area got too poopy....
Also I have all my dogs on Frontline ( I figure that it covers the surrounding area and reduces the overall flea population on the other animals as well-- espec my daughter she had bad flea allergy dermatitis one summer... But not since we started the Frontline.....
We had a good 4th (fun parade and at home fireworks)...and Hope you all did as well!

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