Ideal Poultry - Shipping Wednesday *06/27/12* - Anyone Else??

I got mine this morning, from Ideal as always, they are great. The post office called at about 7:30 and I made the 30 mile trip to go get them. Normally my (wonderful) mailman will bring them to the house for me, but he said with this heat he'd rather me come get them. It's been like 105 for the past 3 days, so he was probably right.

They were a little stressed, due to the heat I am sure. I got them home & some ACV water and dampened starter and they perked right up. I decided to live dangerously and I took them and put them under my broody now instead of waiting till dark. To my surprise, she seems pleased with them
They're pecking at her eyeballs and being pests, but she is clucking to them and inviting them under her, so I guess that means all went well! I keep going out and checking on them, expecting a disaster, but so far so good. She is a good bantam hen, she's nearly 4 years old and is a pro at this baby raising.
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txchickie: Woot! That is awesome, grats on the chickies! Wow 105 - sweating just thinking about it! I won't have any ACV to give them until we get down to go shopping. They don't sell the good stuff locally. I sure hope to get a hen like that, as a matter of fact, in my next order I am going to specifically order a couple broody breeds LOL. I read about one of the people on this forum using a broody to raise his/her meat chicken and it went great!
I called Ideal and they gave me the tracking number.
Unfortunately it doesn't give an arrival date, but at least I will be able to track their progress and should be able to figure out by that when they will get here. They have left Austin so far. I also asked about packing peanuts and she took a quick count and said they didn't include any, so that is a relief! I didn't want to have to try and enlarge my cardboard brooder LOL.
No problem, that was my fear the first time and I had ordered 50 as that would have been 150
. Happy to say I only received the amount I ordered.
Glad to hear everyone is arriving safe and sound. I only ordered 10 so I am assuming I will have some packing peanuts. I am ok either way- If I get a few extra roos I will either sell them or send them to freezer camp in a few months. Can't wait to start seeing pictures!
I didn't get any packing peanuts! I was surprised! I sort of secretly like to see what the extra males are, lol.

My little banty is a Chocolate OEGB hen. Sweet does not even start to describe her, she is such a little gem. She does drive me crazy with her "lay 5-6 eggs and go broody" stunts, but oh well. I trade/sell/buy chickens all the time, but she is the only one I've kept this whole time. She is still doing okay with her babies, I'm sure I'm driving her nuts checking on her all the time but as hot as it is I worry.
puglady: I have been nervous just about the 30 chicks and 5 poults I am getting as it is!
CandleGal: I wouldn't mind some peanuts after this order LOL. I too would be putting them in the freezer.
txchickie: it could be because of the temps, the chicks really don't need extra heat right now probably. I like anything for free LOL (well, MOST anything hahaha), I was just worried about having enough room if we did end up with peanuts this time and I am already feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount that I ordered as it is LOL. Having a broody that will accept chicks and raise them is the awesomest! I am truely hoping I can find a hen like that in the future because I do plan on adding to my laying flock on a regular basis as I want to keep egg production up (so at least yearly new additions) and I am planning on ordering 25 meaties at least 2-3 times a year also. Having a hen to stick the babies under would ROCK! I could keep a few in the house to hand raise for the kids (layers) and the rest of the mess could be a hens responsibility LOL.
I am about to do a no-no LOL.
I reaaaly want to get some banties/rare breeds for my daughter for 4H this fall... I was thinking about placing a late July order with Ideal, buuuut they only do straight run on the breeds I want (a few cochins
, silkies, etc).... however, I found a special at Murray McMurray for 25 pullet ornamental layers...

Here is the description:
"We are now offering a special combination of chicks from our Rarest of Rare Assortment and Top Hat Special which will be FEMALE BABY CHICKS! Nothing like this is available anywhere else in the world! Imagine buying such things as Cochins, Campines, Red Caps, the exotic Polish varieties, and many many more in pullets only. Best of all: you can buy this ORNAMENTAL LAYER COLLECTION and save money! We are putting a special price on these female baby chicks much lower than what you'd have to pay to get them individually. We guarantee you at least 8 different kinds in each order of 25. If you are short of space, or don't like to hear roosters crowing but still want the most unusual of the world's exotic poultry breeds, try our ORNAMENTAL LAYER COLLECTION.The supply of these is limited so please order them as early as possible."

Buuut, the ship date is July 9th!!! My husband would murder me LOL
... buuut they don't have a later ship date!

Someone talk me down! Talk Me Down! LOL
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Here's a pic from my phone when I first took the top off of the box.

It's 103 degrees outside right now and I just took a temperature out in the garage where the brooder is and I read 97 degrees with no extra heat source. I'll probably throw a 40 or 60 watt soft white bulb on one end of the brooder tonight in case it gets cool.
Dutch552: Thanks for the pic! Ohhhh, I can't wait to get my chickies!! They are so darn cute!!! It is supposed to be in the mid 90's here the rest of this week. I am using a Brinsea EcoGlow, so I am going to be just using a lamp to provide light for them.
You all putting marbles in their water? I don't have any marbles LOL. Hoping the little boogers don't drown themselves.. I guess if I see there is going to be a problem I can wash off some rocks LOL.
No marbles, just a standard 1gal plastic poultry fount with electrolyte for the first batch of water. I have never had one die in the brooder from drowning with the 1 gal fount but I guess that it is possible to do if you had a tiny chick.

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