Ideal Rooster/hen ratio?

I think its at least 1 to 4 or more. I think 10 is tops isnt it? If you're looking for good hatching rates anyway.

I have one roo to my 7 pullets.

Your ratio sounds good. If theres not enough hens they'll get over used and beat up. If theres not enough roosters your hatch rates can suffer.
When i was checking on hatching eggs to buy most would say the ration was 1 to 6. So what you have really sounds about right. I have 1 rooster for 20 hens and i crack fertile eggs from him each morning. 3 out of the 4 eggs had the bulls eye starting so the 1 to 6 ratio should be real good.
I have heard 1 to 8 it all depends on the rooster the main goals are to maintain fertility and to not wear your hens out to much I am really not sure as I am not a breeder and have never owned a rooster exept when they were small.

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