Ideas for keeping water out of coop


8 Years
May 14, 2012
I have a series of coops inside of a larger coop but if the main coop floods I can still have problems i tried paying 200.00 for a tarp big enough to cover the whole place but the first storm and the grommets ripped out ( the rope holding it lasted longer than the grommets!) i had window weights attached on the front grommets and apparently the wind blew that all the way off (these grommets didnt give out) I am at a loss as to what to do at this point i lost 10 birds last night the flooding was that bad.

my long tail pens have metal roof's and roman blinds and are on higher ground
my grow out pens have metal roof's and roman blinds and are on higher ground but still managed to flood last night
My other breeds all have places to go into to escape the rain but flooding doesn't really let them escape it... when those places flood as well.

ideas? wanting something cost effective that will keep out this god awful rain ...
We need photos of your set up for starters. Not sure how this coop inside a coop thing works. Is the entire area flooding or is this a drainage issue? Are you coops elevated at all or straight on the ground?

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