Ideas needed for plants chickens DON'T like-garden help!

I would like to know if the pepper deters the chickens. My guess would be no. There is suet available that is hot pepper flavored - to keep squirrels from eating it. I don't think birds taste the heat.
considering peppers (the hotter the better) are used to help flocks initiate laying....I think they'll like their pepper laden plants!

It is thought that the reason hot pepper helps chickens to start laying eggs is because they can help lower the amount of internal parasites thus the chickens then have better body condition and lay!

silly birds eat everything. I have been lucky and last years didnt get the asparagus yet but we had to put a fence around the rhubarb. It should be poisonous to them but they demolished it last year and was the first thing they went for this year. I love the fact they eat the poison ivy. I couldnt find anything that said it was bad for them or the people eating their eggs. We havent had any reactions yet. I read that if you sprinkle coffee gounds around the edge. Other than a fence maybe if you set up a sprinkler to turn on if you see them near.
My chickens devoured my Hosta garden to the Nubs!! Didn't eat any of the Astilbe . Very strange.
My birds will not bother conifers. So, I have given up the sedum/hosta/ferns for small conifers, cover the roots with rock and enjoy a fairly no maintenance green garden . Also, the bird yard has two native plants the girls have let alone, leather leaf mahonia, and nandina. These both have color and get some height to them. I have read the mahonia is poisonous, but I have 30 healthy Marans hens in a fenced 1/6 of an acre, so they must steer clear of the berries. Does anyone know if the chickens will eat Black-eyed Susan vine? I am considering putting it along the outside of the hen yard fence.

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