if i get chickens, can they live throught the winter?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
if i get chickens, can they live throught the winter? before i get chickens i need to no if they can live through the winter. its not that i wouldnt want to buy more but i think that it would be cruel to just them just die.

thnks everyone
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YES! absolutely they can live through winter. You didn't say where you live, but I used to live in NW Colorado where temps below zero are common at night and occaisional during the day. My coop was protected from the wind and able to be closed up except for ventilation but was not insulated. They keep themselves warm by huddling and would even come out during the day to browse the snow for whatever they could find...usually including more treats from "mom" Make sure you keep their water thawed and maybe a little warm and have plenty of food available. It always made me feel better to give them treats like spaghetti or hard boiled eggs.

good luck and get enough chooks to keep themselves warm.
Yes, chicken are very hardy animals. They can take very cold temps. Just keep the wind off them and they will be fine. I had a free range banty live though near 0 weather and below 0 wind chills.
thank u so much !

do u think it is ok if i only get like 2 or 3 chickens though?

i think it is really funny that u feed it "treats" because i no with my dog my vet said not to feed them people food. lol
thank u everyone ur help was very nice!!!!!!

i always thought that they would have died.

thaank u again

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