
Ive taken the last two rain free days to paint like a maniac. Tomorrow we start the hardware cloth, wont finish it because we are gonna try to see guardians of the galaxy at the drive in! We had one by my parents house growing up and it was such a fun way to spend a night. Cant wait for the exchange students to experience it. But heres where the coop stands for now...

What fun colors! Love it!

I, too, am doing "catch up" on so many outside chores! It is beautiful this morning!
I just looked at the forecast and it looks like this weather is staying a bit! Good because I gotta get my garden beds done. My little indoor plants I started need more space too! One thing I wish I could do, but apparently shouldnt, is tame the secret grapevines we have. We discovered them while building the coop. The whole corner behind the shed is covered in seriously over grown grapevines. We never went back there until we started the coop process because that part of the yard just wasnt used by us. Its already got little buds of flowers going! I now know more about grapes than I thought I ever would.
Ive taken the last two rain free days to paint like a maniac. Tomorrow we start the hardware cloth, wont finish it because we are gonna try to see guardians of the galaxy at the drive in! We had one by my parents house growing up and it was such a fun way to spend a night. Cant wait for the exchange students to experience it. But heres where the coop stands for now...

Looks good!
Ive taken the last two rain free days to paint like a maniac. Tomorrow we start the hardware cloth, wont finish it because we are gonna try to see guardians of the galaxy at the drive in! We had one by my parents house growing up and it was such a fun way to spend a night. Cant wait for the exchange students to experience it. But heres where the coop stands for now...

Love the colors! Nice looking coop and run
Aside from some silliness (which is to be expected from happy middle school girls) last night's dress rehearsal went well. The hair & headpieces stayed in place the entire night. The girls are looking forward to their big recital tonight.
The recital was a big success, the tap & lyrical routines looked great, & the hair pieces never lost a feather. DD & her friend were called up on stage to receive special recognition for all their work with the youngest dancers. Afterwards we celebrated with pizza.

When we arrived home, our incubator had a peeping chick. (Due this evening) We named her Hollywood. DD woke up this morning and said that she wanted to do yesterday all over again.

What lovely young ladies! Hollywood
, Cute!
Today was very productive! Finally got everyone moved! Also built garden beds.

Licorice the EE I was questioning. Still has no wattles but a single row of pink comb. She is so pretty, They are now almost 11 weeks old.

Peanut one of our dogs inspecting things.

Today was very productive! Finally got everyone moved! Also built garden beds.

Licorice the EE I was questioning. Still has no wattles but a single row of pink comb. She is so pretty, They are now almost 11 weeks old.

Peanut one of our dogs inspecting things.

Coop looks great and the chickens look happy! Love the raised beds also.
Feeling some relief. My trio of Black orps and almost all of my chicks went to their new homes today. Loved my black hens and McDreamy so much, I am going to miss them. But I had to get my numbers down and give my Silver laced boy some relief of always being chased by McDreamy. @Faraday40 this is the woman who has the 2 Lav Orps Roos from you. She says Tank Jr, is doing great! My grandson broke down in tears as I was packing up the chicks. Dena told him he could come to the farm anytime to visit and take a ride on the horses. It broke my heart, but he did feel better after a bit. I have someone coming tomorrow for some of the bantams, 3 hens and 3 chicks and I will be happy at my final count. I kept 1 of each of the chicks. Jubilee, mottled, the Russian orloff, and a pure black. I am also keeping just 2 of my bantam chicks, the 2 chocolate mottled and guess what? 1 is frizzled and the other smooth. Hoping I have a pair.
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