
@ChicagoClucker Thank you! I am so happy how it all turned out. And you kept the Orloff! Post pics of her periodically, I thought she was so pretty.

My husband thought she was beautiful, and her coloring is very pretty. So, since he puts up with my chicken thing, I kept the one he liked, even though she is not an Orpington. LOL I will post pics soon.
They are all very pretty babies! All mine made it through their first night. I was stressed out, but they seem unfazed. Sneaking this in before it goes down for a couple days.
Me too! It looks very nice.

So last week, the day the forum went down, I had husband stop at the store thats all of five minutes from his airport. He was looking at what food they had available for us, both kitty and chicken. Our 14 year old cat is on a pretty special diet, and finding his food is hard and the only place here is expensive. Anyway, he liked this place for options. AND HE CAME HOME WITH THESE GIRLS.

He gives me the box and said I know they arent silkies, but they are a ridiculous looking chicken :love:celebrate And I am so in love. They are doing very well and are so funny. Plus the GL one has a beard! So I get my silly looking chickens and finally a bearded one too.


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So glad to have BYC back. I was locked out for a while tonight & thought I'd have to start all over again. So glad the password reset worked or no one would know me. I'd have to pick out a new longer name like : "FormerlyFaraday40" and that would just be a lot to type.

Quick update: I have pneumonia, so I slept a lot & have less energy. DH & the kids did what they could, but I'll have a lot of work I'll need to do when I'm better.

We have a bunch of chicks. (Mostly purebred orps in a variety of colors) Hatched May 4th & May 7th. I threw them all together with our recent broody Oopsie. Not only does she have the recent babies, but also DD's extra Spitzhaubens & a silkie (all from 4-15's hatch) & a lav orp hatched 4-26. She just keeps collecting chicks. They all sleep in the brooder at night & then I put them into the tractor for grass time during the day. I'm very grateful to have such a dedicated broody.
Your coop looks even better now that it has poultry inside!
:) way to go!

Thank you! They are loving it. They have ready started putting themselves up at night. First night they did it I panicked when I didn't see them piled in the corner haha.
I hope you feel better! I am super allergic to something here and I was fighting a double ear infection. It's no fun to spend the spring/early summer.

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