
@Faraday40 I like the serama, but I didn't realize they were so sensitive. I am not wanting to heat the coop, and wife will kill me if I keep a chicken in the house.
I understand completely. They're more like parrots. They fly, come when called, roost on a shoulder, etc. They're adorable, fun pets ....... but there's a reason why I call them my "useless chickens."

Today my friend who took the silkie serama mix chick also took the little serama as a buddy. I orig was going to give her both silkie mixes, but one of them died the day after its trauma. (When the broody left them in the cold & they went life-less. DD & I revived them with a hairdryer.) I prefer chicks to have a buddy, and she fell in love with the mini roo, so it worked out. (Technically, I only "think" it's a male. Others have said it looks female, but my gut is strongly saying male.) Either way the 2 chicks will be spoiled house pets until spring.
Merry Christmas. Here are some holiday pics:

Nativity scenes are always more fun with live animals. Here are the kids playing with their "Little PEEP'LE"

Instead of a partridge or 3 French Hens, we had a Serama in a pine tree:

and here's DS with with the big Christmas gift. (DH is in IT, so he brought home & fixed up a new (to us) computer for the kids.)
Hello, everybody! It's been quiet on here... Everybody must be enjoying the holidays! :D
I mentioned over a week ago that we ordered quail eggs and they were supposed to arrive on 12/19 but didn't. They are still out there somewhere in USPS's hands. I truly fear that they will show up and I will accidentally put rotten eggs in my incubator. :sick The seller, Orchard Hill Poultry, was kind enough to ship out replacement eggs. :celebrate The replacement batch of eggs shipped on 12/26 and is looking good as it has multiple scans in USPS tracking. It is estimated to arrive tomorrow. It was in Atlanta yesterday morning, which likely means it's on a plain to Chicago now if not already at O'Hare waiting to be scanned.
The incubator is running. I have a PC fan coming today or tomorrow to convert the still-air incubator to a circulated air incubator. Anybody have an idea whether the fan should blow down onto the eggs or up towards the hood and then down around the sides?
My thought was up as that is how our heated ceiling fans operate in two of our bedrooms. The fan will attach directly to the bottom of the coil-like heating element. I would think blowing hot air down on the eggs straight from the heating element could develop a rather hot zone right below the fan/heating element.
We are excited (again) as we await our eggs! :celebrateCannot wait!

I found myself reading about meat rabbits yesterday :bun... I just might pull the trigger on that some time in 2019. It seems like just a few does and two bucks could get a rabbit project on its feet that would allow us to eat rabbit a few times a month all year long. @Faraday40 did you end up getting a rabbit for the kids?

Buns....We began a trio project in a very large outdoor enclosure (colony style). Constructed a basic Quonset hut out of a discarded trampoline metal base. 1/4" Hardware cloth along entire bottom, up sides to 4' high, then 2" wire along top - used plastic roofing for sides and's quite the construction we did on the not-so-cheep. The wire and roofing alone were about $600.
Got our trio of bunnies. Within a month, the buck died of what I now know was snuffles...he was sick upon purchase - neither doe was pregnant. One doe lived over a year, and succumbed to same (she had it the entire year, but was doing very well, until she wasn't). The second doe lived for 2 additional years by herself (with lots of love from us), until a mink/weasel broke into the enclosure this past fall....took out the bun and about 10 grow-out chickens, including my to-be-rooster for the Swedish Flower hens. In 10 yrs never had a problem with mink/weasel, haven't seen it since. Tried to trap it. Couldn't. It's moved on.

We loved our bunnies, but once we got them home, the whole concept of meat rabbit wasn't possible...our sons (older teens), absolutely adored the bunnies and declared they couldn't possibly ever consume one. So, well, that's where it ended for us.

Apparently, chicks that grow into mean roosters aren't an issue for 'cute' factor. Bunnies, are still cute, even if they nip you. That's the take-away we have from this end of the universe.

If you desire photos of our set-up, let me know. It worked well. I couldn't see keeping the bunnies in tiny a colony, they had 12' x 16' of space to play in. And they did!
I just posted a few minutes ago that my eggs should be here tomorrow. AND THEN THE DOOR BELL RANG! THE EGGS ARE HERE!!!:ya
They are setting on the table to come to room temp and settle before I put them in the incubator. I intend to wait at least 4 hours, maybe longer. Oh boy!

The fan is not here yet, but it will be tomorrow. So they will have to start out in still-air incubation and then I will add the fan tomorrow. After all it is just 4 screws and two wires. Should only be about 2 minutes of the lid being off - I will use the foam mats they used as packing material to insulate the eggs for the 2 minutes just to be safe.

The only thing that I found a bit disappointing was that there is no heat pack, which I did pay for. However, it is a replacement shipment at the seller's expense, so I really cannot be too upset about it. They did me a solid favor in getting these eggs to me.
I just posted a few minutes ago that my eggs should be here tomorrow. AND THEN THE DOOR BELL RANG! THE EGGS ARE HERE!!!:ya
They are setting on the table to come to room temp and settle before I put them in the incubator. I intend to wait at least 4 hours, maybe longer. Oh boy!

The fan is not here yet, but it will be tomorrow. So they will have to start out in still-air incubation and then I will add the fan tomorrow. After all it is just 4 screws and two wires. Should only be about 2 minutes of the lid being off - I will use the foam mats they used as packing material to insulate the eggs for the 2 minutes just to be safe.

The only thing that I found a bit disappointing was that there is no heat pack, which I did pay for. However, it is a replacement shipment at the seller's expense, so I really cannot be too upset about it. They did me a solid favor in getting these eggs to me.
Wait until the fan is in
Eggs need to sit 24hrs to stabilize
The fan will change the temp. Bator with fan is a different temp setting also. Put in the fan blowing up and let the temperature stabilize
Wait until the fan is in
Eggs need to sit 24hrs to stabilize
The fan will change the temp. Bator with fan is a different temp setting also. Put in the fan blowing up and let the temperature stabilize
I guess it wouldn't hurt the eggs to sit at room temp a full day. They are only a 3 or 4 days old (since laid) right now anyway. I will wait for the fan so as not to cause a sudden cooling off the eggs when the fan turns on.
Here's a pic of the beautiful quail eggs in the egg turner - not turning that on for a few days, but it serves as an egg holder in the meantime.

I also have a pic of 2 chicken eggs. Any ideas on what chicken the top egg is from? I think one of my Orpingtons is finally laying. This egg is a color we have never seen until now. I have cuckoo marans, gold laced wyandotte, speckled sussex, light brahma x2, lavender orpington, and blue laced orpington.


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x2 on waiting for the fan before adding eggs. The change in air flow will cause a change in temp / humidity. It's best to have it set up 100% so you don't have to scramble after the fact. (Some wild swings could occur during set up) Also make sure to set the eggs on a day you'll be around to monitor & adjust settings as needed. I put my fan blowing upward. I also added a tiny scrap of screen across the bottom to prevent accidental decapitation. (Never had an issue but better to be safe.) I've seen people aim the fan down but then suspended a piece of metal or cardboard to deflect the air currents to the side.

My lav orps & Spc sussex have a pinkish hue to their eggs. You'll probably be able to identify a new layer by her comb color. They change from pink to red. (Also can check the vent.)

No bunnies here yet. During this cold weather, I'm enjoying those empty cages - not having to clean or feed anything extra! The chickens are still locked up in the coop - and thankfully, no pecking - so the winter number must be OK. (i even have those 2 temporary turkeys in there!)

Speaking of pets: Eight years ago DH got a doz feeder fish as a gag gift, and the running joke was that they'll only live a few days to a month. As expected 11 died within 3 weeks, but the last one lived 4 years!!! We simply named it "fish" because it was only a temp pet. DS kept talking about how he remembered "Fish" and wanted to have a pet fish again. Santa gave him a robotic fish last Christmas, but it didn't satisfy his fish desire. So, Grandpa gave DS a fish tank. Once it's set up, DS will get to go & pick out a couple fish. I've only had goldfish, so does anyone have a suggestion for an easy care beginner fish? It's a small 3 gal tank, so preferable something cool that won't grow & need a bigger tank.

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