
Lost one of my Light Brahmas. Possible heat? Went out and she was just laying over.
I've been worried all day with this heat. So far haven't lost one. Brought the broody inside to be safe. Other broody looks like she abandoned the nest. Fortunately the 1 egg she had wasn't viable.
I've been worried all day with this heat. So far haven't lost one. Brought the broody inside to be safe. Other broody looks like she abandoned the nest. Fortunately the 1 egg she had wasn't viable.
I'm worried about my silkie, Xansie, who's broody and sitting on 5 eggs. I moved her to her own little coop so she can sit without turkeys or big bully hens kicking her off eggs. However, she's sitting tight and not taking many breaks. She could have spent most of the day off her eggs and they'd still be incubating! Debating on bringing her inside..... mainly because "She's Xansie." (DD's beloved, special, one-of-a-kind, celebrity chicken.)
grace xansie.JPG
I've been MIA this week. I have a new teenage driver in my house and just got a car for him to drive and I might have heart failure over it all except for the fact that it will take a huge weight off my shoulders to not have to drive them as much as I do now. My middle son started HS today and they have late night cross country practice tonight and they are driving together in his new Jeep that he's only driven home from the dealer and around the block once to show dad. I think I need a lot of alcohol but I also might need to be coherent enough to walk to the HS and drive them home at 10:30 pm. I was really excited for this day to come and now I am so completely not ready!
We finally got power back today. All chickens weathered all the chaos well but it’s been a rough 72 hours around here. Lots of trees fell in neighboring yards. None in ours thankfully. Our biggest loss is the food in the fridge. We didn’t have a generator when this all started but do now. Hubby is a pilot for a private company and was able to buy one and bring it back Wednesday on his trip so we survived okay but god it’s good to have electricity back😂
@SnootyHen & @megpie021
Wow. You two have been busy! We got a few storms, but nothing scary. I guess I've been busy too, but more the regular mom stuff. (None of mine are driving yet. That's a scary thought!)

My garden is producing like crazy. Tomatoes & squash took over. My youngest starts middle school next week. Tomorrow (bright & early) we're off to Springfield (state fair) where DS will present his computer programming project. He's so excited. Packed the car and baked my famous herb bread / sandwiches for the road. Poor chickens will have to stay cooped since we we're leaving before sunrise and home after sunset.

On a sad note, three families we know are struggling with Covid. One family had flu-like symptoms pass through the house and they're slowly getting better. The other two families have been in & out of the hospital and currently both sets of parents are hospitalized. Our family is fine and had no exposure, but it's a little scary for me with school starting next week.

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