
Our family went camping at a Koa camp spot in Casey IL. It's 3 hours south of us in the middle of nowhere. Absolutely nothing to do except look at all the "big" things in the small town. Like the largest mailbox, largest birdcage, largest pitchfork, yardstick, windchill, knitting was a long boring, miserable weekend.

My oldest really wanted to go to garden of the gods. It was another 2 and1/2 hours from Casey. So about 5 hours south from here. You would probably need a couple of days to visit and see most everything.
My husband had a layover in Casey for a night and walked to all the big things sending me so many pictures 😂 it got old fast for both of us. He gets to fly to some awesome places as a corporate pilot, other times he goes to Casey.
This is a crazy time of year. I feel Autumn knocking at the door with these nights in the 50s, yet we are supposed to hit highs of 88 and 87 Saturday through Tuesday. Maybe the peppers and tomatoes actually will keep growing...
While the garden doesn't appreciate the mostly dry weather lately, the duck pen sure smells better dry than wet. I think I've made real progress with adding wood chips and shavings in their run. I'll be shredding some corn stalks I pulled out the garden to add as mulch once I fill the gas can to run the chipper (and mower - the grass needs to be cut!).
In chicken news, I managed to not add any Fall chicks to the flock this year. However, our old girls are not laying as well as they used to these days. We've had them 4 years I think now. Not so sure I want to cull them. I think DW would be upset with me.
Additionally, I need to start figuring out winter prep. The ducks have 4 extra drakes I need to process before winter. I don't have a deep pond anymore, so I need to figure out the ducks water situation too ‐ a heated dog bowl is just not enough for 7 ducks and I don't want to run a trough heater. The coop is cleaned, but the rest of the shed needs to be cleaned out and dusted. The chicken run is in need of some cleaning also. So much work and so little time really.

Lastly, anybody going to Sandwich Fair this weekend? I think we are going to try for Saturday or Sunday.


I know you decommissioned your Koi pond. :old :hitbut you had your reasons..
I actually want to install a small plastic pond in my back yard. Just for my personal pleasure, and keep native fish. I have been wanting this for some time,,,,, but progress is slow for me for multiple reasons.
I want one that is at least 150 gallons up to the 270 gal size. I would drain for winter.
Would one of these fit your duck's needs. ??? It is black VS light colors from kiddie plastic pools. Would absorb more radiant heat in winter.
30 gallons is not too much to empty when needed. Lift up,,, rinse,, and refill as needed.
This is a crazy time of year. I feel Autumn knocking at the door with these nights in the 50s, yet we are supposed to hit highs of 88 and 87 Saturday through Tuesday. Maybe the peppers and tomatoes actually will keep growing...
While the garden doesn't appreciate the mostly dry weather lately, the duck pen sure smells better dry than wet. I think I've made real progress with adding wood chips and shavings in their run. I'll be shredding some corn stalks I pulled out the garden to add as mulch once I fill the gas can to run the chipper (and mower - the grass needs to be cut!).
In chicken news, I managed to not add any Fall chicks to the flock this year. However, our old girls are not laying as well as they used to these days. We've had them 4 years I think now. Not so sure I want to cull them. I think DW would be upset with me.
Additionally, I need to start figuring out winter prep. The ducks have 4 extra drakes I need to process before winter. I don't have a deep pond anymore, so I need to figure out the ducks water situation too ‐ a heated dog bowl is just not enough for 7 ducks and I don't want to run a trough heater. The coop is cleaned, but the rest of the shed needs to be cleaned out and dusted. The chicken run is in need of some cleaning also. So much work and so little time really.

Lastly, anybody going to Sandwich Fair this weekend? I think we are going to try for Saturday or Sunday.
I think we will try to make it to the Sandwich fair. Not sure when. Couple weeks ago we went to Mendota sweet corn festival. Drove an hour for free sweet corn all I could eat. And I think the fam had some too lol. And my dad is older so I keep trying to find things to get him out of the house and spend some time with because I have been busy lately.


I know you decommissioned your Koi pond. :old :hitbut you had your reasons..
I actually want to install a small plastic pond in my back yard. Just for my personal pleasure, and keep native fish. I have been wanting this for some time,,,,, but progress is slow for me for multiple reasons.
I want one that is at least 150 gallons up to the 270 gal size. I would drain for winter.
Would one of these fit your duck's needs. ??? It is black VS light colors from kiddie plastic pools. Would absorb more radiant heat in winter.
30 gallons is not too much to empty when needed. Lift up,,, rinse,, and refill as needed.
View attachment 2827506
About the size of one of the kiddie pools I'm currently using. The black color might help, but there's so little sun in the winter that I think it will freeze solid still, especially overnight and then not get warm enough to thaw out during the day. The pond I had was 4ft deep and I kept a pump running all winter in it to bring water up from the bottom and circulate it with the top of the water column. This allowed me to leverage the warmer temps of the ground below the frost line to keep the water from freezing with far less energy than trying to heat a body of water with an electric heat element.

As a side note, if you venture into setting up your own pond feel free to reach out to me for information. And as for native fish, be sure to check regulations on the fish you choose to keep. Native fish species are often restricted or may require a permit or license. I did have some sunfish in the pond at our old house (that one is still there to my knowledge and was beautiful). I found out after acquire them that I wasn't supposed to have them. It was a bit late and I figured releasing them would be worse than keeping them so I stayed quiet about them just.
So far this is not the birthday I planned!

DH is not feeling well.(cold/allergy symptoms). Nothing too serious. His sister called at noon with bad news. His dad was found confused and wandering around the lobby. His mom (who has Alzheimer's) was also wandering around. The administrator helped make arrangements for them to go to urgent care. DH's dad is now unresponsive and transported to ER. Looks like DH will have to take the car for the 2 hour trip to WI to care for his mom. Meanwhile, he's feeling sick, so wants to get a Covid test just to be sure. He had trouble finding somewhere to get tested. Perhaps most testing sites have shut down. He tried a drug store but they require appointments - which of course are all taken today. Closest place to get a test done today is Warrenville, so he's headed there now. Won't know results until tomorrow. What happened to those rapid tests?
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So far this is not the birthday I planned!

DH is not feeling well.(cold/allergy symptoms). Nothing too serious. His sister called at noon with bad news. His dad was found confused and wandering around the lobby. His mom (who has Alzheimer's) was also wandering around. The administrator helped make arrangements for them to go to urgent care. DH's dad is now unresponsive and transported to ER. Looks like DH will have to take the car for the 2 hour trip to WI to care for his mom. Meanwhile, he's feeling sick, so wants to get a Covid test just to be sure. He had trouble finding somewhere to get tested. Perhaps most testing sites have shut down. He tried a drug store but they require appointments - which of course are all taken today. Closest place to get a test done today is Warrenville, so he's headed there now. Won't know results until tomorrow. What happened to those rapid tests?
I’m so sorry about the in laws! I hope everything ends up okay.

From what I’ve read the rapid test just isn’t being accepted enough places anymore because of its rate of false negatives. So many places require the longer test and multiple negatives now to return to school or work.
I’m so sorry about the in laws! I hope everything ends up okay.

From what I’ve read the rapid test just isn’t being accepted enough places anymore because of its rate of false negatives. So many places require the longer test and multiple negatives now to return to school or work.
I highly doubt DH has Covid. No one asked him to be tested but we feel it’s irresponsible to walk into an assisted living facility unless you’re sure. Too many people with weakened immune systems.
I highly doubt DH has Covid. No one asked him to be tested but we feel it’s irresponsible to walk into an assisted living facility unless you’re sure. Too many people with weakened immune systems.
You guys are sure having a rough go around. Prayers things work out well.

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