Illnesses and the Medications to Treat Them - Work in progress.


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Dosing info will come later.

Of the drugs listed below, only amprolium is approved for use in laying hens in the USA.

amprolium - liquid and powder
9.6% liquid sold as Corid, Amprol, AmproMed
20% powder sold as Corid, Amprol, AmproMed, and Amprolium 200
3.84% liquid sold as Harker's Coxoid

sulfamethazine - liquid, powder, and cattle boluses
12.5% liquid sold as Sulmet
25% liquid sold in Canada under a variety of names.
100% powder

sulfadimethoxine - liquid, powder, injectable, pills, cattle boluses
12.5% liquid
5% liquid suspension
40% injectable
125 mg tablets
88% powder
500 mg bolus

sulfamethoxazole w/trimethoprim
400/80 mg pills
800/160 mg pills

2.5% liquid
5% liquid
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I'd be very grateful for dosage instructions for all meds. That's the second most asked question following what do I treat a condition with.
I will do my best, that's the tricky part. look at post number one again and you can see how many types of amprolium there are.
Here is a table I like to refer to:


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While searching for info on the various drugs I noticed that the Sulfamethazine cattle boluses and sustained release, so I don't think those could be used to treat poultry because it would require crushing them. Anyone one know if they could be used?

Edited to add:
I think I found one that could be used, Albon are a 500 mg bolts, so maybe it's just the ones called "Sustain III" that are time release?
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Anyone want to post meds info for Tape Worms and Round Worms? Are there other intestinal parasites that should be on the "short list?" By short list, I mean most common. I am shooting for around five(ish) illnesses/conditions for each body system to start.

Still wondering what will be the best way to share this. @TwoCrows , the first pass at the chart won't be done for awhile yet, but once I have something worthy of posting, how would you post it? You mentioned posting it as a sticky, but what format would you need for that? Can BYC handle pdfs, Google docs links, or any other document sharing?

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