I'm a bad chicken mom...

Sorry you have been experiencing so many frustrations with DH.

I have one coop with the waterer outside on a cinder block, and the chickens like it just fine out there. Another coop has the water inside on a cinder block with smaller kitty litter pan underneath that I got for cheap to keep water from getting everywhere.

Actually grass and other greens help make the egg yolk more yellow.
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What makes the eggs more orangy? I had eggs for a while from a 4-H dad, whose chickens free ranged during the day and got into his compost pile and ate bugs galore. The best eggs I have EVER had, bar none. They were glorious. And I can't do that for my girls because the neighbor cats and the resident racoons would eat my birdies! So, it's run confinement unless I'm home and IN the garden with them, and it's been too cold and I've been too busy with DH being sick to spend any time outdoors with them.

I got the waterer out of the coop and mounted on the run wall. It leaked, after my careful mounting job, for about a day (I put a plant saucer under the drip to keep tabs on it) but it's quit leaking now, and the water cups are full, and the bucket isn't emptying abnormally anymore. So, that source of water in the coop is gone, and I've tarped the roof against rain blowing in, to give me time to widen the roof enough to do what I need, at which point I'll take off the tarp, which makes it dark really early inside the coop.

Now I need to scoop the nasty thing out and dump more sand/PDZ on the floor... That has to wait until next week, and my next day off.
What makes the eggs more orangy? I had eggs for a while from a 4-H dad, whose chickens free ranged during the day and got into his compost pile and ate bugs galore. The best eggs I have EVER had, bar none. They were glorious. And I can't do that for my girls because the neighbor cats and the resident racoons would eat my birdies! So, it's run confinement unless I'm home and IN the garden with them, and it's been too cold and I've been too busy with DH being sick to spend any time outdoors with them.

I got the waterer out of the coop and mounted on the run wall. It leaked, after my careful mounting job, for about a day (I put a plant saucer under the drip to keep tabs on it) but it's quit leaking now, and the water cups are full, and the bucket isn't emptying abnormally anymore. So, that source of water in the coop is gone, and I've tarped the roof against rain blowing in, to give me time to widen the roof enough to do what I need, at which point I'll take off the tarp, which makes it dark really early inside the coop.

Now I need to scoop the nasty thing out and dump more sand/PDZ on the floor... That has to wait until next week, and my next day off.
Just the fact that the coop is drier in side will help a lot. I have read that eating weeds, clover and grass and scrap greens from the kitchen can make the egg yolks greener. During the warmer months I pick weeds for my chickens and throw them into the run. Although I have some chickens in another coop who just look at me like I am crazy when I offer them greens, so chickens can have different tastes. I also have too may predators to allow for free ranging all day. My chickens also love meal worms, which are great for protein and help promote egg production, but I don't know if it adds to the color. Of course, you don't have a bunch of time to go collecting weeds for the girls. I hope once spring comes you get more time to relax and enjoy some chicken watching.
I had PLANNED to let them out for a bit while I do some yard work, but DH is now back in the hospital, so all that will have to wait.
I'm sorry DH is back in the hospital. Maybe you could contact a hospital social worker or at least at least a hospital discharge planner on his case to discuss your concerns. Maybe they could develop some plan that could help after he is released from the hospital. In the long run it could provide some support in caring for him. Although he may be resistant to what others have to say, perhaps you wont feel like you and your daughters are dealing with things just on your own.

The chickens will be okay. They have their chicken run.

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