I'm a new Ducky Mama!! Pics!

This was my concern

We have 4 of the brown with tan w/ the stripes on the face - TSC said they were Mallards!

Oh BTW, if you haven't found out yet, there's NO way a chuck is going to keep your brooder dry!! I learned the hard way - now, they're in a metal floored bunny cage, so they're "high and dry"!!

now...just to figure out how to keep enough water in the cage b/c they play in it until the waterer is empty...

I even let them swim in our big utility sink for an hour, thinking that might help, but = nope - they're out of water in 1/2 an hour!!

Any ideas are appreciated!!
The waterer is working fine for now. I did put a round cake pan with maybe an inch and a half of water and they walked in it and drank some and played.

I have no idea what the yellow ones are. One has a brown head and they are both brownish tinted. Still think they're pekins?

And I hope the dark ones are rouens not mallards..!

ETA: I have 4 square cement stepping stones, then I put a puppy pad on top and put the waterer on top in the center. seems to be catching all the water splash so far!
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The tinted one sort of looks like a buff... Unsure of the other, but no, I don't think they are pekins. My pekins (And the pekins I've seen in the past) are completley yellow.
Does TSC usually carry Runners? I haven't seen any there but the yellow with brown on their heads look very similar to my runner baby.
I would say buff too, but hard to tell from the beak, the beak gets kind of purplish as the duckling grows if it's a buff.
that one with the tan on it's face is a fawn and white runner... looks just like my Victor did when he was a baby....

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