I'm just curious, how many vegans are there on this site?

No the reality is that those cage free, pesticide free, organic this and that and the other eggs are WAY more expensive than others. Have you SEEN the price of them lately.

Normal eggs are like $1.50 a carton and those organic eggs are like way over $4 bucks. Milk is extremely high too....

The sad fact is that PRICE is driving what people buy, not where the chickens live.

If more organic and natural health food was less expensive, I'd eat it too. But that isn't the reality in todays market.

I can't afford to go on a diet, because I can't afford the lean, fat free, organic, natural foods and such. It all add's up to a very high price tag.

Better to worry less about that organic label and just by farm direct. Cheaper and usually just as good or better quality. It also supports the local economy which helps keep money in the country.
We do buy some veggies and things from farmers markets sometimes. But its usually when we are out in the country or in smaller towns.

We haven't found a farmers market in the immediate DFW area yet. There was an old Railroad Depot that had been converted to a farmers market in Downtown Fort Worth a few years ago, but I dont think it lasted very long. I haven't seen it advertised in a LONG time!
My husband and i have not eaten meat in a couple years. We drink milk, eat our own chicken's eggs, and eat fish (i'm not sure i could give up sushi as a special treat). i try to avoid animal products (and anything made in China), but it is an ongoing process. True Vegan is a little too extreme for me at this time. i find my body craves protein, and beans just don't do it, ergo the continuing fish consumption. Just trying to find a balance between need and conscience.
I wonder how many people flipped their keyboard over after they read that! LOL

I did!

I did, too. LOL
You should have seen what fell out of it too!
Yep, I checked under my keyboard too, made in Thailand!
Just to stay on topic, I'm a vegetarian, but not a vegan. I have been since I was 12, even though I was raised by a very meat loving farm family. I think all kids go though that little freak-out phase when they make the realization of what meat is, and I was just the oddball that never got past that freak-out phase. It never felt right me, but my mother basically convinced me that if I didn't eat meat I'd die. By the time I turned 12 and became more "worldly"
and realized my mother was lying because there was such thing as vegetarians, that was the end of meat eating for me. I will say though that even though I'd love it if everyone was a vegetarian, I have the greatest respect for people who raise their own animals for meat, and raise them humanely, or at least are willing to pay the extra price for properly raised animals, versus the too cheap to be true factory farmed animals/meat.

Oh and as for the original question, I don't buy grocery store eggs because my chickens take care of us, but before I had chickens, I did, but they were cage-free.
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