I can tell you that I LOVE my australorp. She's like a little dog. As soon as she started laying, and she lays almost every day, she became so friendly and sweet.
My spring want list is LF Cochins. I want Chocolate, and mottled and blue.
That is exactly what I am talking about!! Thank you! More opinions, peeps! (I was originally leaning toward the 'Lorps to begin with)
do you really think a public library would be appropriate :hmm

Hahahahahahaha....well it IS the sound they used for the velociraptors in Jurassic Park. Just turn the volume up very low. It's kind of a peaceful, calming (albeit terrifyingly creepy while watching the video) sound, lol!!!!
OK, so I have been wasting my time (as hubby loves to put it) poring over breeds of chicks that I will get in the spring, as

1.) You can never have enough chickens (obv).
2.) My flock of 14--as you know--really SUCKS at egg laying.

I composed a flow chart comparing different breeds and their unique characteristics. My qualifications are: super friendly, doglike, and sweet, smallish body size (much as I want Faverolles, they are too big with little wienie eggs) and lots of beautiful, delicious eggs (preferably laid before 27+ weeks!)

I have narrowed it down to the following: Sussex, Sex-Link (Star, Comet, ISA Brown, etc.), and Australorp. My one EE has quite a sucky personality and is terrified of me, so that's why I didn't include them.

So, for you experienced chicken people (as I'm still a rank newbie), which do you think is best, and why? Should I just get one of each? I am going to make my next choices more practical and less based on whim and appearance, although I love my useless, yard candy chickens <said tongue in cheek of course, I love them>.

Thanks in advance!! Love yas~


My personal experience is that the sex links tend to be aggressive with pretty much any other chicken.

My Australorp are hatchery stock. They are very even tempered and great layers. They follow me around the yard but none of my birds are raised to be lap chickens.

I kept my bantams in with them for many years without ever an issue from them.

The bantams are separated now because I foolishly got 2 BSL and once again they have proven to be less then mild mannered.

I did have California Whites that were VERY not leghorn like. They were very friendly and awesome layers. I plan to get more when I add birds.
get real australorps from a breeder not hatchery stock, i have found their personalities are better

I was either gonna get them from MPC or the Agway or TSC by us....I love MPC except my EE like I said has a really sh*tty personality and they're supposed to be awesome and lovey!

AND i think you should get Turkens :love

ETA - they lay big eggs and have smaller bodies

I mean no disrespect! But their necks really freak me out. I don't think I could get past that, they remind me of wrnkled, old-man penii...

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