I'm not having any good luck!

Poison Ivy

16 Years
May 2, 2007
Naples, Florida
I bought 10 Delaware hatching eggs from Mypetchicken 2 weeks ago. I called and talked to Traci she said she would call the place they get the eggs from to see what they will do. I told her they need to replace or refund as I spent almost $50 for these eggs. That's a long time to wait and it all be for nothing. Just had to tell someone and get it off my chest. Thanks for listening to me whine! lol
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Bummer! I never bought from mypetchicken, it seems like the recent "chicken craze"
I'll stick with people i know from around the boards. Keep trying, I'm rooting for ya
That's a bummer

I hope they make it right.
Shipping eggs *any* time is a risk --- shipping in these extreme temps is even more of a risk.
I was curious where MPC gets their birds / hatching eggs. I didn't see it mentioned when I visited the website.
Good luck!
I will call back today and find out what they are going to do. I've candled enough eggs to know when they are clear and everyone you can see the yolk just floating around. I guess I need to turn the bator off tonight. Thanks guys the other chicks that hatch from my other batch is getting big and so cute. I will have to update with pictures soon.
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I'm sorry! That stinks... I am kinda worried about having eggs shipped, so I stick with ones that are local. I'm not super picky about my chickens and what breed they are, just that they are healthy, so I often get mix breed eggs. But, I know where they have been and what has been done to them, so I feel they are better off. I may try a batch of shipped eggs this fall, but I'm not for sure yet.

Please do post some update pix for us!
I wish I could find someone with delawares near me but I seem to be the only one that has them. Alot of people here want BR's or RIR's. I really wanted to just have a flock made up of Delawares & Ameraucana's so I will just have to keep looking. I guess I could just buy the day old chicks too. Thanks again
Shipping has nothing to do with whether the eggs were fertile or not. Shipping may keep them from developing properly, but if they are completely clear, they weren't fertile to begin with. Shipping does not affect fertility, only hatchability. And Twila, it shouldn't be long before my Blue/Black Ameraucanas are laying. They're turning 18 weeks on Friday. Hopefully, my packing method will help keep the P.O. gorillas from damaging the eggs and you'll have some little poufy-cheeked babies from my Scout and his ladies soon. Wish I could help you on the Delawares, too, but I sold my four. For some reason, they were very aggressive and did alot of damage to other birds; it was probably the strain they came from. Now, if Scout could just perfect his technique with the ladies, LOL.
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