I'm setting eggs tonight 2/2/12, any hatching buddies out there wanna join me?

ok so I have 11 chicks
I just moved to the brooder and I have 2 more eggs pipped
....another chick hatched while I was at work but it had died by the time I got home...it looked like it's intestines were not fully inside...poor chick!

I didn't get to candle before I locked-down so while I was moving the new babies I threw 2 away that had a blood ringed
and two others that had internally pipped but stopped????

so out of 19 at lockdown I may end up with 13 or 14 (buff egg still in there but didn't hear anything in it.)
All is quiet in the incubator, the 2 new babies are sleeping, they rolled the one I thought was next to hatch over onto the hole it had pipped, now I can't see anything w/ that one....... the wait continues!!!! I think I have 4-5 pips, I've lost count now that the eggs are scattered all over the bator. I don't like that they are so quiet.

it can take over 24 hours for a chick to hatch after it pips. so don't worry yet. i have had one take close to 48 hours and it ended up being the biggest chick.
the way i see it is you have some that wait till they are ready to hatch out completely to pip and what seems like seconds they are zipping and out. then on the other hand you have the ones that pip right away. then sit there for hours with just a pip taking their time to start zipping and hatching completely out.
3 pips, one half zipped!
Still 21 more to see something happening with.

On a side note, once again I am having issues keeping my incubator at 99-100 degrees. This stupid thing did this to me during lockdown on my January hatch. January's temps were in the teens, so I figured that was the issue. Today's temps were in the 50's and I have the thing wrapped in a polar fleece blanket, turned all the way up and I am having issues with it keeping temps again! I think I know the issue... The turner motor helps keep the temps up by almost 10 degrees. Once I take the turner out, aka: the extra heat source, the foam hovabator can't make enough heat to keep it's self at temp.
Blueberry, if the pip is on the bottom of the egg you should roll it over so the hole is facing up.

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