Impacted Crop aftercare??


8 Years
Oct 18, 2011
Pine Bush, NY
Ok - My poult vomited this morning (and has had other symptoms last few days). I was trying to figure out what was going on - then checked on him in the coop... found a pile of gunk! I inspected it closely and decided it was this little rubber toy that my niece had given them. It was 3"long and 1 and 1/2" wide, so I have no idea HOW he ate it.. but it seems his crop was impacted, which makes sense with his symptoms the last few days. I thought I was going to lose him! I felt his breast and I can't feel even a tiny bump, so I'm guessing it's all gone.
Before I got up there to check on him, he'd started eating again. Since he got it up on his own and hadn't been eating right for the last couple of days - would it be ok if I skipped the advice about withholding food for 12-24 hours?? I had taken the food dish away but after only an hour - all three poults started crying for food.. So.. I gave them a little. But I don't want to do anything wrong with his aftercare!Also - I have read so many different things to give them following crop impaction, but it seems much of that advice is for more severe cases where the bird couldn't expel it on their own and/or where it went sour. So I'm wondering if he needs probiotics, apple cider vinnegar, molasses, etc? Also - him and his two siblings are used to free-ranging (with me) during the day. He will freak out if I separate him from the other two.. but I'm wondering if they can all go out, or if he really needs to be kept in the coop? If anyone has had experience and can comment, I'd appreciate it. Maybe if I post a cute picture I'll get more responses!
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This is the poult - Hurtboy, when he was little. I was doing physical therapy on his splayed leg.. he always thought it was naptime! :)

And this is Hurtboy a little older.. hanging out with my wonderful (and patient!!) dog, Zoe :)
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