impacted crop ?


Aug 31, 2020
british columbia canada
hi, i’m at a loss and need some advice. my 8 mos hen has a hard mass about the size of a flattened egg in the bottom of her crop. every morning through massage i can loosen it up. the rest of her crop seems to go down overnight but the mass stays. i massage it every hour and i’ve been giving her oil. she’s eating drinking and pooping. i’ve just started her on stool softener to try and break whatever it is (grass?) down. it’s been a week and no change. could it be sour crop ? the mass feels like a disc almost. i love her to pieces and just want to make her better ,, can anyone help me please ?
I'm not sure all I know is you squeeze the crop and if they look like they are going to through up its sour crop. If it is you have to cut the crop open and take the foren object out then sow the crop back up. If you do the sugary put a towel over the eyes and tape her wings down to the table. Hope this is good at vise.
I personally would never squeeze their crop to see if it looks like they are going to throw up.

If her crop is squishy and full of liquid in the morning, then it's more than likely sour crop...especially if you can smell a sour smell on her breath. It doesn't sound like you're dealing with sour crop. Here are links to two excellent articles on crops.

I'm not sure all I know is you squeeze the crop and if they look like they are going to through up its sour crop. If it is you have to cut the crop open and take the foren object out then sow the crop back up. If you do the sugary put a towel over the eyes and tape her wings down to the table. Hope this is good at vise.
ok i will try the squeeze test this morning,,, i’m trying to find a chicken vet near me ... thank you very much for your reply !
I personally would never squeeze their crop to see if it looks like they are going to throw up.

If her crop is squishy and full of liquid in the morning, then it's more than likely sour crop...especially if you can smell a sour smell on her breath. It doesn't sound like you're dealing with sour crop. Here are links to two excellent articles on crops.

as i massage her crop gently, but a bit firmly, in circular directions she seems to enjoy it , i don’t feel comfortable squeezing it so i think i’ll leave that be. i don’t smell anything sour or foul from her either. and there’s no real squish feeling to it in the morning, that seems to go down overnight but the hard wad remains. thanks very much for the links, i’ve been googling my butt off and appreciate any other feedback, i’ll be sure to check them out !
Sour crop doesn't always have a smell, and the crop usually feels squishy like a water balloon. If there's a hard lump in the crop, it's usually from impacted contents that refuse to empty into the gizzard. If the contents remain for a few days, this can lead to sour crop on top of the impacted crop. They are treated differently, but can happen at the same time, so you would treat them together. Read the articles on sour crop you've been supplied by @tarahharlin
Sour crop doesn't always have a smell, and the crop usually feels squishy like a water balloon. If there's a hard lump in the crop, it's usually from impacted contents that refuse to empty into the gizzard. If the contents remain for a few days, this can lead to sour crop on top of the impacted crop. They are treated differently, but can happen at the same time, so you would treat them together. Read the articles on sour crop you've been supplied by @tarahharlin

i have come across both articles in my googling and they’re awesome,, i have reread both as a refresher, thanks again for sharing tara. it’s like my hen has combo doughy and impacted. it starts out hard but i can massage it until it loosens up and is grainy soft feeling. my question is, am i safe to treat for yeast with monistat at the same time i’m doing the stool softener treatment ? i’m thinking i should do it just to be safe even is there is no smell but is it ok to do at the same time or should i finish 3 (??) days of dulcolax
You can treat both at the same time. It's up to you. If you would rather treat one at a time, the impacted crop is more threatening to the complete digestive system, so I usually focus on that first when I have both issues at once.
You can treat both at the same time. It's up to you. If you would rather treat one at a time, the impacted crop is more threatening to the complete digestive system, so I usually focus on that first when I have both issues at once.

sorry, can i ask you one more question ... how long has it taken you to cure the impacted crop ? i’ve read everything i can find and nowhere does it say how long to treat with the dulcolax... the human directions are no longer than 7 days ... or we’re you successful just using oil ? i think i’ll also start the monistat just as preventative.

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