important duck eggs: broody chicken or incubator?

Bug n Flock

Jun 13, 2015
We have/had 2 barnyard pet ducks. Nibbler who was a 2nd generation pet of mine that I helped hatch and raised indoors for months, and her unfriendly mate who wasn't quite right Waddles. About a week ago Waddles disappeared. Last night we couldn't find Nibbler and she still hasn't showed back up. We have predator problems and I am starting to lose hope. We have some of her eggs from the past few days and I want to try incubating them. She hadn't had ducklings yet, and her daddy Gunter passed away at the beginning of the year. I'm bummed and don't want to lose the line. What is a safer bet: putting the eggs under a chicken we have who wants to sit some eggs and has sat chicken eggs successfully before, or an incubator in the house?

So, how good was the chicken's hatch rate?

And how good was your hatch rate the last time that you used the incubator?

But if you are still having predator problems.... then the incubator might be best.

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