In a tight spot. Need advice. Neighbors dog has killed 3 of my hens. Help

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Yikes. You're between a rock and a hard place for sure.

My neighbors claimed that their dog was only trying to play with my chickens & not kill it but if it hadn’t tried to run their dog wouldn’t have hurt it. Don’t understand that logic at all but that’s what they said.
I just wanted to explain what they mean by this: a running animal will excite a dogs prey drive more strongly than a stationary one. Obviously your neighbor is clueless to how prey animals instincts work as the chickens natural instinct would obviously be to run from a dog unless they've become accustomed to having it around safely. I'm definitely not saying it was your chickens' fault, just explaining what they meant.

I agree with predator proofing the coop. Unfortunately once a dog gets a taste for prey, its going to take a lot a lot of dedicated training to break that and it doesn't sound like something they want to do.
Abusing their power? It's their yard. OP needs to build a predator proof run or move their chickens elsewhere. Also I would make sure that the neighbors approve of an electric fence being put in their yard .
True but if they were in my yard I would not be holding them under the gun, making excuses for my dog (or rather my poor fencing). If the neighbors let them come then they have a responsibility as well.
True but if they were in my yard I would not be holding them under the gun, making excuses for my dog (or rather my poor fencing). If the neighbors let them come then they have a responsibility as well.
Unfortunately, not everyone is as compassionate as we are. I would not allow my dog to kill any chickens, whether mine or my worst enemy's, regardless of where they were housed. Because I find that to be unacceptable behavior for my dog and an unacceptable and needless loss of life for the chickens. But, as it is their property, their values are the ones that are important at the moment, not ours.
Unfortunately, not everyone is as compassionate as we are. I would not allow my dog to kill any chickens, whether mine or my worst enemy's, regardless of where they were housed. Because I find that to be unacceptable behavior for my dog and an unacceptable and needless loss of life for the chickens. But, as it is their property, their values are the ones that are important at the moment, not ours.
Yes, I know just sayin'
True but if they were in my yard I would not be holding them under the gun, making excuses for my dog (or rather my poor fencing). If the neighbors let them come then they have a responsibility as well.

Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. IMO the neighbors have no responsibility whatsoever for the OPs chickens, it's their yard, their dog, their rules.
Personally if I was nice enough to let someone put their chickens in my yard and they then complained to me about anything I'd tell them to go take a hike.
Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. IMO the neighbors have no responsibility whatsoever for the OPs chickens, it's their yard, their dog, their rules.
Personally if I was nice enough to let someone put their chickens in my yard and they then complained to me about anything I'd tell them to go take a hike.
Agreeing to XD.
Electric wires if the property owners will allow them. I guarantee the dog will respect the hot wires.
Any possibility of covering the run with chicken wire or net to prevent bird escape?
I’ve covered the run & pen. Clipped their wings. Reinforced the wire. He’s now running up & down the length of the run stirring them up.
You should have made the coop and run predator proof. I do not understand why you still did not cover the run after the first bird got killed.

So it is not their fault and you should not complain to the friendly neighbours that were nice enough to let you use their property.

That said, I am sorry you lost your chickens.
I have 3 separate runs. The 2 that are attached to the coops themselves are covered & reinforced to prevent predators. We had just made the connecting run. We hadn’t put the netting up yet but since it was a 5ft tall fence & my birds wings had been clipped I felt that they could enjoy the new space for a bit before the netting went up. That was my mistake & I’m owning up to it. I was asking for help on how else to help keep them safe. I can’t afford to run electricity out to the run/coops. I can electrify the run to keep them safe. I’m sorry if I pissed you guys off asking for help.
I am not sure what to say to all of the mixed relies, that said I have had dog killing chickens experience so...
The neighbors sound nice but are seemingly abusing there power. The dog is obviously not contained well, and the neighbors do not care. That said yes they are letting you use there land, so try to be nice (I can't say I would have been nice through all of this). your neighbors are not looking like they are going to change so is there any way you can convince you dad to let them stay with you?? As far as they coop is concerned you are doing better then me!
Also I second the electric wire thing.
Thank you. I’ve reminded nice to them. I was upset this last time because my autistic son saw what the dog did. That’s what hurts the most. He’s having nightmares about it. My father won’t change his mind. He’s making pour jokes about this to me & stating that the birds deserved to die. Their dog runs fee everywhere & harasses our other neighbors cows ever day. Even attacks the calves. However, nothing has been done about him in the last 5 years.
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