In response to the thread: The Truth Behind Crested Ducks


I don't have any crested ducks, nor would I want any. I plan to breed all of my birds to get the best, fastest growing, good brooders, good mothers, good layers. I breed my birds for meat so to me it would be a waste of time and space to knowingly breed something where a good portion of the ducklings may die in the shell or at a young age.

I think it is a decision that everyone needs to make on their own. And while humans have bred many animals to the point of deformity (English Bulldogs for instance) I personally wouldn't.
Excellent points. And therein I think lies the answer to why someone may or may not have cresteds. My ducks are livestock first. We enjoy them but we have them mainly for eggs. I need strong healthy egg layers. I cannot afford special needs birds, or low hatch rates so I wouldn't breed cresteds. We have crested drake. We totally enjoy him. He lost his sibling at a young age from a crested related issue (seizure) so he is the only one we have. He seems quite healthy and robust- but we will not breed him. He is one of the few ducks we have that is a flat out pet (he doesn't lay eggs and he will not be bred). :) It just doesn't make sense for our backyard farm. So I am grateful for Kevin's info. It was that info that helped me understand why we lost the one duckling months ago and it affected our decision to keep our MoMo as a pet but not breed him. I never once felt like he was telling me I should feel guilty or bad that I had a crested. I feel empowered actually because now I know. Now the choice is on me but at least I have the facts.

And I also have to say with the dog breeds- when we researched what dog breed we would settle on for a puppy recently. I DID look into health issues related to each breed. I did not make a silly choice based on only what the dog looked like (we looked at temperament too). We went through and picked the types of dogs we liked and then narrowed it further down by looking at health issues related to the breed. Because of that certain dog breeds were ruled out. (ruled out basset hound because we just didn't want the upkeep one required for their adorable droopy eyes and ears), no pugs (breathing issues among others) we not only do our homework with ducks...but that sole decision really brought to light how we make decisions on all animals we bring to our home/farm. We settled on a lively, smart, stubborn dog breed that does have some health issues (all dogs really do, you just have to decide what YOU can handle personally and financially) and we are thrilled with our choice.

Be informed. Knowledge IS power. I like to be powerful. :p
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I really do wish people would stop putting words in my mouth. To clarify I have never said that crested duck owners were bad people or that they should be ashamed of having crested ducks. If people would take the time to read my other posts regarding the subject they would know that I have also owned a crested duck in the past. While I don't personally agree with the breeding of crested ducks the purpose of the thread was never to down the owners or breeders of crested ducks. The last line of my post was:

That was the exact point of my thread. To let potential owners know the things that could happen when dealing with a crested duck. When I had a crested duck I had no idea what the crest was or what it's effects were. I had to watch several ducklings slowly die from neurological issues caused from being crested. I would not wish that on anyone. If people want to own crested ducks then that is their right.Just like it is my right to not want to own them. I only want to inform future duck owners of some of the potential issues they could run into once they own them. Many people keep crested ducks and have absolutely no problems associated with them. I'm glad that they do not have any to deal with any of there issues but that does not mean that will apply to everyone else's experience,

In reality it's all just about choices. You can choose to keep or breed them or not. As long as everyone has information from both sides of the issue then people can make a reasonable decision on their own.


I never viewed your thread as anything but a for your information intent, it's good for people to be fully informed on this issue. I don't think most know what repercussion can occur. It's good basic info all should know if they are going to get into keeping ducks. An informed choice is never a bad thing.
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I really do wish people would stop putting words in my mouth. To clarify I have never said that crested duck owners were bad people or that they should be ashamed of having crested ducks. If people would take the time to read my other posts regarding the subject they would know that I have also owned a crested duck in the past. While I don't personally agree with the breeding of crested ducks the purpose of the thread was never to down the owners or breeders of crested ducks. The last line of my post was:

That was the exact point of my thread. To let potential owners know the things that could happen when dealing with a crested duck. When I had a crested duck I had no idea what the crest was or what it's effects were. I had to watch several ducklings slowly die from neurological issues caused from being crested. I would not wish that on anyone. If people want to own crested ducks then that is their right.Just like it is my right to not want to own them. I only want to inform future duck owners of some of the potential issues they could run into once they own them. Many people keep crested ducks and have absolutely no problems associated with them. I'm glad that they do not have any to deal with any of there issues but that does not mean that will apply to everyone else's experience,

In reality it's all just about choices. You can choose to keep or breed them or not. As long as everyone has information from both sides of the issue then people can make a reasonable decision on their own.
I personally really like what you are saying here and in the original post. I never had the idea that you were judging the owners of crested, just stating the possible issues. It is very important that people know what they are getting into. I have never had a crested and probably never will, but I have had people tell me things like its just the way the feathers grow, or its caused by extra feathers growing there. To much misinformation. If someone wants a crested duck and understands the (possible) problems and still wants the crested then that is fine for them. Hopefully people can understand here and not take more then what was actually said.
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I think the REALLY important thing for people to know is to not breed crested to crested...I think THAT is where you get your neuro issues from.
But..honestly..if you're stupid enough to breed crested to crested..then really your too stupid to own ducks anyways and shouldnt have any..
Otherwise..crested make great pets.
I think the REALLY important thing for people to know is to not breed crested to crested...I think THAT is where you get your neuro issues from.
But..honestly..if you're stupid enough to breed crested to crested..then really your too stupid to own ducks anyways and shouldnt have any..
Otherwise..crested make great pets.
I couldn't have said it better! Keep the little cuties, but for pities sake, don't even consider breeding a crested to a crested. Ever ever ever. Thats nothing but a death sentance for 75% of the offspring.

Gotta love the duck fro though. LOL
I wonder why crested ducks have so many issues but crested chickens do not? Does anyone know why or has research even been done on that? Just curious is all.
Aweeeee, this makes me want a crested duck even more just thinking about them. I think they are adorable even if they don't live long. But with there flaws there is alot of dogs that are continuously bred even though some get bad skin allergies, nose issues, sinus issues, eye issues, etc. So, I think it can be allowed with ducks too. I also believe though that if a certain duck is known to have an issue it shouldn't breed and try to ween the issues out :)
That's a terrible argument for breeding anything. Just because someone else is being irresponsible, does not make it OK for another person to do it!

People that breed anything without regard for health issues shouldn't own animals, in my opinion. They give their chosen breed a bad name. This is why it's important to only buy from good, responsible breeders who know what they are doing.

I bought a purebred puppy this summer. You can bet I did a lot of research and spent a lot of time on the phone with the breeder that I chose. I bought a dog from her because she had good recommendations, keeps extensive health records on all her dogs and follows up with all the people that bought puppies to make sure there is nothing undesirable popping up in her bloodlines. She keeps an Excel database to track of all the dogs she's bred. It's too bad more "breeders" aren't that dedicated.
I personally really like what you are saying here and in the original post. I never had the idea that you were judging the owners of crested, just stating the possible issues. It is very important that people know what they are getting into. I have never had a crested and probably never will, but I have had people tell me things like its just the way the feathers grow, or its caused by extra feathers growing there. To much misinformation. If someone wants a crested duck and understands the (possible) problems and still wants the crested then that is fine for them. Hopefully people can understand here and not take more then what was actually said.
I completely agree. I've never had crested, because I don't really like the way they look, but I had no idea why they had that crest. It was very informative and I didn't think it was judgemental at all.
I agree with a bunch of the information, BUT I DO NOT agree that people should stop buying or breeding them. That's like saying that people should stop breeding and selling Araucana's, Japanese Bantam's, and Call Ducks! Which all carry a gene that kills some embryo's inside the egg. And I also do not agree that people should be ashamed at themselves for wanting them, either. I've had all those breeds before and I currently have Call Ducks, does it break my heart when they die in the shell? Yes, yes it does, but that is part of nature and is out of my hands but when I do get them to hatch out and live that makes it all worth it in the end.

To duck owners or future duck owners: Just because there is some bad traits in a breed doesn't mean you can't get them! That just means that you have to research and find what is best for you.

That's MY 2 cents. Getting off of my soap box now. ;o)

Actually the hatching problem isn't so much part of nature, rather it's the result of selectively breeding them to such extreme that they now have difficulty hatching. Call ducks of 100 years ago didn't have that problem.
That said I have no problem with Japanese Bantams, Call Ducks or Crested Ducks. Breed what ever appeals to you.
I think the REALLY important thing for people to know is to not breed crested to crested...I think THAT is where you get your neuro issues from.
But..honestly..if you're stupid enough to breed crested to crested..then really your too stupid to own ducks anyways and shouldnt have any..
Otherwise..crested make great pets.

Your is possessive eg: Is that your car? If you want to tell some one they're stupid the linguistically appropriate phrasing would be you are or the contracted form you're. In my opinion before calling others stupid one should at least be able to use the language appropriately. Otherwise it makes one appear stupid.
Good read. Good Info. Great duck politics To All involved Its just like the election. . I choose now to leave it up to the individual whether he or she wants to raise,breed or keep these cute crested beauties.

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