incompetence is amazing=need advice pse


12 Years
Jan 17, 2008
McDavid Florida
ive been a "chicken man" for a long time, but i went by feed store yesterday and i heard peeping and for my fellow addictees you know what that means. but to my dismay i saw a box of ducks with many dead/or close to it. they had no light on them,,arrg. so i picked up 6 of them and was charged for only 2. i saved two of the six. i bought a light and feed so here i go down the interstate in a semi with ducks,. i saved only 2. then i looked at the feed he gave me and it said medicated
i called the feed store about it and they said they have been doing for it for years, i got serious attitude when i told them ducks shud not be fed med feed.
so how long do i have b4 this med feed hurts them? i cant just pull over at the next local feedstore if i cud even find one
yeah, makes me think of rubber duckie on smokey and the bandit. yes, they will be trunkin and a travelin until i get them home in aweek or two. so far they are doing great, the runner seems so quiet tho. they are stealing my affections, my chickens better watch out!
ONE called roxarsone is a arsenic compound, easy to overdose if fed for any length of time. The other is a old style Sulfa drug that I can never remember the full name of that is much more toxic to waterfowl than to chickens. The Sulfa drug is being phased out because of the concern of antibiotics in feed (FDA & USDA) the EPA is after the roxarsone because it passes through poultry poop and into the water supply. Most waterfowl know that 'ampro' is safe and helps protect against cocci.

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