incubating african eggs - detached air cell (day 30 - they are hatching!!)

It pipped almost 24 hours ago and had made a few dimples. Now it has enlarged the hole so that I can see the beak, but is not turning, like the other two look like they are doing... Can't sleep ... Too worried they will be ok, especially after my temp spike scare last night.
Hi - if its enlarged a hole so you can see the beak then its getting access to air so dont worry. They're not all the same in their progress. When you say the others are rotating how far around their shells have they chipped?
I can see beaks in both eggs. They are facing different directions. The egg that is rotating has gone about half of top of egg and moving rather fast now. I can see the beak on the side where it is rotating. The other egg the beak is pointed towards direction it should be rotating. I can take a pic??
I think you're near. Pics would be helpful and I'll be online for a while
This is the first egg. It has been like this for almost two hours, with the beak regularly poking out in same spot. No progress counterclockwise.

This is the second egg. It's beak is in the furthest point counterclockwise of hole and is rotating nicely.
I feel foolish... it looks like it is rotating now.

I hatched ducklings 2 days ago... and one was so tangled inside egg, all it could do was pip and enlarge hole like the pic. We had to help it hatch. It came out so twisted I didn't think it would make it.... but it did! :)
I do like the way hatching eggs keep thier owner's nerves jangled. They all seem to be poised to start rotation in earnest but may rest for a while with the external pip area well enlarged. From anytime now to up to 12 hours they should suddenly make rapid progress around the shell. Try to keep humidity up. How are the other 2 eggs doing?
Both eggs in the pics are making rapid progress now. The egg I was so worried about is approx. 30% around and the 2nd egg is a solid 50% around. The third standard egg has made a crack about 1/4 inch long, and is not far behind the first two eggs. Ebay #2 has a nice pip and is looking good, but it is about 12 hours behind the others.

I don't think the last 2 eggs are still alive. I have seen nothing all day from either. I planned to grab them out of bator and candle when these first two hatch and the humidity spikes enough to open bator for a brief second.
Humidity is at 75% now. I assume it will rise to 80% once the first gosling hatches.

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