INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I did not know that.

My understanding is that they are not very bright. In my last batch I had 10, 9 would go under the heat plate, one would go on top and whistle real loud, I'd have to show it where the others were.
LOL my pied keet is about that smart, too. I think the chicks are smarter, and that's saying something!
Quote: Originally posted by Garden Peas

"So here's the scoop on Monday's vet visit.

First, just getting a two week-old peachick safely to the vet (this particular vet happens to be 45+ minutes away from the house) was challenging. These chicks are still brooding with a heat lamp, and are not ready to be running around in cool-ish room temperatures, and definitely not ready for a couple of hours (round trip + wait time + exam time) away from a heat source. Plus it's a peachick, so #5 can already fly a bit.

I rigged up a travel box out of a big plastic box with a lid, a heating pad, a thermometer and a thick, folded towel (to keep the heating pad from burning the chick). I ran the heating pad in the box for an hour or two, trying different settings to see what was warm enough but not too warm, before adding the chick. (You have to give the heating pad a little while to work and steady out before you can really tell what it is going to do!)

Despite all that prep, still had to watch the little guy kinda closely -- the car was hot when we got in, and I didn't want to freeze him out with too much air conditioning, because I couldn't plug the heating pad in and heat him back up in the car (forgot the fancy AC adapter thingy). But he started panting from getting too hot, so we popped up the lid and watched the thermometer to get him to a more comfortable range.

Here he is in his box (this was actually on the way home) -- he was pretty okay with it.

This vet was unclear on surgery for slipped tendon -- she had never heard of it, and wasn't looking to experiment. I think this may have been her first peafowl, and I don't think she has attempted to treat slipped tendons much, if ever. With that said, she obviously has splinted many bird legs in the past, so she was able to improvise something that worked.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to videotape or take pictures as she was building up the splint with layers of tape, but I had to wait to take photos until I got #5 back home. I'll try to describe her technique after the photos.

This first photo is taken from the side of the chick, looking at the leg from the outside:

Here is a closeup of the tape "splint" from approximately the same angle:

Here is the splint from the front showing the thin edge:

The first thing she did was to tape the tendon back into place. Her technique was better than mine and she used a softer tape than I had had on hand. Using a fairly narrow (not too skinny) piece of soft, flexible cloth tape, she applied the tape below the hock joint, and then around the joint itself, holding the tendon in the groove on the back of the hock. She did not attempt to tape up above the hock joint, and she did put tape directly ON the hock joint, both of which I had avoided doing. But her way worked better than what I had tried. I do think she was careful to avoid overtightening the tape and avoid cutting off circulation -- it's a little tricky to get it tight enough but not too tight, and some experience obviously helps. Also, having very good tape is a plus.

She then created a "splint" out of cloth tape. She started with a wider cloth tape -- perhaps 1" or 1 1/2" wide, woven cloth bandage tape. It was flexible, but perhaps not as flexible as the thin stuff. That's the wide stuff you see in the photos. She cut two pieces and placed them like the sides of an envelope on the outside and inside of the leg. Imagine that the knife edge of the envelope is facing forwards (aligned with the center toe). That allowed her to put a small flex in the joint and hold the tendon in place at the same time, but did not allow the joint to bend or flex. (But see update info farther down.) I am not certain if she added another piece or two in that layer -- I kinda think she may just have used one on each side, but she mentioned that sometimes she builds up layers.

After she had the two sides of the envelope stuck together, with the leg gently bent forward at the hock joint, she took bandage scissors and trimmed away part of the excess tape so the "envelope" was no longer a fat rectangle. Working first on the front, knife edge of the envelope, she placed smaller bits of the tape across the knife edge, covering it, and lapping the tape onto (but not completely around) the two sides of the envelope. As she did that on the front, she very neatly managed to incorporate a slight inward bend, matching the natural position of a chick's lower leg. (If you look carefully at a normal leg, it flexes in two directions at the hock -- part of why that is such a vulnerable joint -- the leg swings forward from the hock, but also inwards so the feet are a bit closer together than the hocks.) She managed to get that slight twist just right, and somehow the little strips lapping the knife edge helped her shape it. Likewise, she put little tape strips lapping the back knife edge as well. These little tape strips not only added the twist shaping, but also strengthened the envelope and helped hold the two sides of the envelope from coming apart.

The chick was definitely not crazy about it, and didn't know how to use the leg. He tried all sorts of things, and even had some little leg spasms to the rear. I thought he was going to splay himself again. He was happiest in the car going home when he could support himself on the cradled up towel. The vet and I discussed putting a hobble on it -- she thought that might help. However, later I discovered that wasn't going to work.

When I got him home, I tried another round of chick chair. I made a height extension for it and got the chick all installed and back into the brooder. He seemed like he was doing okay.

I got home and discovered -- disaster! -- he had somehow flipped the chick chair, struggled out of his glove and his wing wrap, and dragged himself to the other end of the brooder, where he looked pretty darned exhausted. (I have this great mental image of his buddies mounting a rescue to flip the chair, but I kinda doubt it
). That was pretty worrisome, and definitely not safe, so I thought I better just let him rest and see how he did. I was also worried about his toes drawing up, because it seemed as though he was ending up using the tops of his foot to walk on. Notice that the splint has the leg mostly extended, so it does not fit well underneath the chick. When he was tired, the good leg was pretty worn out from all the "day" he had had. He obviously needed to rest. I syringe fed him some pedialyte to make sure he wasn't dehydrating, and let him be.

At some point, he seems to have "sprung" his splint a bit, and he is now much more mobile on it. He has the lower part of the splint pushed apart enough that he has more use of the leg. In particularly good news, he has the toes working properly, foot in the correct orientation, and either the tendon is still in place or the splint is providing enough support that he is able to bear weight on the leg to hobble around. I kinda think that the tendon must still be in place, otherwise I think it would collapse.

So at this point, I am hoping that the groove is growing and that he is staying supported where it needs to be. I'm leaving the bandage alone (the foot looks healthy and a good color), and I'm just watching to make sure he stays hydrated and fed and is getting around okay. In a few more days, I'll have to take the bandage off (if he doesn't completely bust it first!) and then assess where he is. It's probably still too soon to become optimistic -- it's just one day at a time and seeing how he does.

The tape "splint" is definitely worth trying though -- much better than anything I have seen so far."
Incubating W/ Friends Hatcher list

Birthdays: attimus: 7\8 HAPPY BDAY! (as long as you aren't pulling a MC on us....)

Sally Sunshine AKA Sally
Everything! Usually CCL, BB egg layers, Serama, OE, Sapphire layers, brahma, ducks, guineas, or.... Yeah. Like I said, everything.
(NOTE to self: 8/5 bday!!)

BantyChooks AKA Banti or Bubbles
14 shipped EE eggs.

Chaos18 AKA Trouble or Chaos
6 eggs on day iforget. Update: 1 egg in lockdown 7/8

MotorcycleChick AKA MC or Abi
Two broodies on day 7 and day 13 (or 14) with at least 8 eggs. The first one is mean!
No chicks, all the eggs were duds.

kwhites634 AKA Whites, Whitey, Ken, Red Dog..... Just not late for supper
Broody: 5 RSL x BCM eggs, and she'd pushed one of them out....I gave it back to her, but there's probably something wrong with it, or she wouldn't have pushed it out.
Incubator: 12 BCM x RSL due the 4th....don't look for many to hatch out, though...several clears...only movement in 1 when I checked 2 days ago. UPDATE! 4 hatched, 7 left!

daxigait AKA Dax or Daxi
Broody has eight eggs 6/24, but I don't know how many are fertile since my cockerels are young and only with the hens on the odd evening. Green egg layers CL over OE/BSL/BR/RIR.
One more week for my broody, but it is supposed to be really hot (heat index today 107 for example). hatch 14/15

Jessimom AKA Kathy
I have 14 BCM that gotro17 had shipped, 4 legbars (I think were also shipped), along with I think 12 of my backyard chicken eggs - these are on day 10. And I set 28???? eggs 2 days ago. It's a mix of gotro17's backyard mix eggs, and mine. I'll do an accurate count if I ever candle them.

Mine are probably not all fertile, Since we pulled the roosters several weeks ago, and the baby roos were just starting to figure out how to play with the girls when they started to crow and got pulled.. I currently have a BEAUTIFUL Salmon Favorelle and 2 black silkie roos in my basement. Waiting until I figure out what we are going to do with them.

I also have 2 broodies sitting on eggs. Not sure how far along, or how many eggs. They both should be getting close though.

Pensmaster Known as Uncle Pen to some, Pensmaster to the rest
13 Altsterier eggs under broody. Started 6-24. Three candled yesterday when the hen got off for water all three growing beautifully. Surprised as they were abandoned a couple times and eggs were washed.

mlm Mike AKA Mike or Mikemikemikemikemike

Broody hen w/ icelandics

casportpony AKA Kathy or Kat
@casportpony more info please!!

LittleLakePhil AKA Phil
I just set 12 Khaki Campbell duck eggs in my Brinsea.....hopefully they will hatch while my grand daughter is here visiting.....

When I got home early am I had one lavender orpington hatched this morning when I got up at 730 there is another lavender and a chocolate cookcoo cross. Still waiting on the other few 4 of them are 3 days behind so I should be hatching all weekend. Lol. There was only 10 surviving eggs to start with.

attimus AKA Zach
8 hona
5 Hmong
6 cemani(possible Hmong crosses)
All on day 7, checked one egg last night, veining. Candling the rest tonight.

Egg update.
Incubator was unplugged for my entire shift at work last night. Returned to normal working conditions upon realization. Am not optimistic at this point but stranger things have happened.

Hi everyone have 16 eggs in bator, Olive egger and blue birchan maran should be fun due the 26th.

Please tag me w/ updates! Note: If you just quote me and not tag, I won't be able to find it later to add it when I'm on a PC.
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Well, my night stunk. I came home to the welding guy wanting eighty more and my cat laying on the bathroom floor in his pee struggling to breath. I took him to the emergency clinic and paid seventy five dollars to have him die less then ten minutes into the visit.
Ash you will be missed
I'm so very sorry Daxi!!
Do you know what happened to Ash? It's so hard when you lose a member of the family!
I'm so very sorry Daxi!! :hugs  Do you know what happened to Ash?  It's so hard when you lose a member of the family!  :hugs
No, he had been loosing weight and I planned to take him to the vet on Saturday. The emergency clinic rates were to astronomical to pay on what could not be changed. Thanks.
Incubating W/ Friends Hatcher list

Birthdays: attimus: 7\8 HAPPY BDAY! (as long as you aren't pulling a MC on us....)

Sally Sunshine AKA Sally
Everything! Usually CCL, BB egg layers, Serama, OE, Sapphire layers, brahma, ducks, guineas, or.... Yeah. Like I said, everything.
(NOTE to self: 8/5 bday!!)

BantyChooks AKA Banti or Bubbles
14 shipped EE eggs.

Chaos18 AKA Trouble or Chaos
6 eggs on day iforget. Update: 1 egg in lockdown 7/8

MotorcycleChick AKA MC or Abi
Two broodies on day 7 and day 13 (or 14) with at least 8 eggs. The first one is mean!
No chicks, all the eggs were duds.

kwhites634 AKA Whites, Whitey, Ken, Red Dog..... Just not late for supper
Broody: 5 RSL x BCM eggs, and she'd pushed one of them out....I gave it back to her, but there's probably something wrong with it, or she wouldn't have pushed it out.
Incubator: 12 BCM x RSL due the 4th....don't look for many to hatch out, though...several clears...only movement in 1 when I checked 2 days ago. UPDATE! 4 hatched, 7 left!

daxigait AKA Dax or Daxi
Broody has eight eggs 6/24, but I don't know how many are fertile since my cockerels are young and only with the hens on the odd evening. Green egg layers CL over OE/BSL/BR/RIR.
One more week for my broody, but it is supposed to be really hot (heat index today 107 for example). hatch 14/15

Jessimom AKA Kathy
I have 14 BCM that gotro17 had shipped, 4 legbars (I think were also shipped), along with I think 12 of my backyard chicken eggs - these are on day 10. And I set 28???? eggs 2 days ago. It's a mix of gotro17's backyard mix eggs, and mine. I'll do an accurate count if I ever candle them.

Mine are probably not all fertile, Since we pulled the roosters several weeks ago, and the baby roos were just starting to figure out how to play with the girls when they started to crow and got pulled.. I currently have a BEAUTIFUL Salmon Favorelle and 2 black silkie roos in my basement. Waiting until I figure out what we are going to do with them.

I also have 2 broodies sitting on eggs. Not sure how far along, or how many eggs. They both should be getting close though.

Pensmaster Known as Uncle Pen to some, Pensmaster to the rest
13 Altsterier eggs under broody. Started 6-24. Three candled yesterday when the hen got off for water all three growing beautifully. Surprised as they were abandoned a couple times and eggs were washed.

mlm Mike AKA Mike or Mikemikemikemikemike

Broody hen w/ icelandics

casportpony AKA Kathy or Kat
@casportpony more info please!!

LittleLakePhil AKA Phil
I just set 12 Khaki Campbell duck eggs in my Brinsea.....hopefully they will hatch while my grand daughter is here visiting.....

When I got home early am I had one lavender orpington hatched this morning when I got up at 730 there is another lavender and a chocolate cookcoo cross. Still waiting on the other few 4 of them are 3 days behind so I should be hatching all weekend. Lol. There was only 10 surviving eggs to start with.

attimus AKA Zach
8 hona
5 Hmong
6 cemani(possible Hmong crosses)
All on day 7, checked one egg last night, veining. Candling the rest tonight.

Egg update.
Incubator was unplugged for my entire shift at work last night. Returned to normal working conditions upon realization. Am not optimistic at this point but stranger things have happened.

Hi everyone have 16 eggs in bator, Olive egger and blue birchan maran should be fun due the 26th.

Please tag me w/ updates! Note: If you just quote me and not tag, I won't be able to find it later to add it when I'm on a PC.
Oh, I forgot! Happy Birthday, @attimus !!!
(It is your birthday, right?
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