INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I had one early serama the hen musta been sitting on an egg, the others were pipped and I saw a zip early this am, I will check later on see what we got, I am sure not perfect with the fan breaking down, seems they are later than I usually hatch to. so curious what the hatch window will be.

19 cu.ft. upright for the taking....North central MD; Frederick county

Should make the foundation of a good 'bator if any of you need one that large; I don't.

It has 4 removable shelves (2 adjustable).

Bring a truck and dolly (hand truck); I'll help you load it.

Going to the dump if nobody wants it; I just want rid of it.

@Sally Sunshine , @Chaos18
I have a dead one, did yours croak too?
I always seem to be on my phone when you start posting, chicken canoe. It is hard to try to remember all that you have said!
I know now that the eggs are not going to hatch. I have already cleaned the incubator.
I actually had some questions, and assume that you are the one that will be able to answer them. I am sure others can as well, but you were the most likely.
When it comes to gauge wire, what is ideal?
My run is six feet tall. Do I want to cover all six with hardware cloth, or is 3-4' enough?
Is 1/2" okay, or should I go with 1/4?
Cost is obviously dependent on brand. Is there a bad brand?
Thanks for the welcome back. I feel guilty about not reading back, but I just don't have time.
I used half inch 19 guage. The quarter inch 23 I triedwas too frail so I used it for the skirt. My goats jumped on the quarter inch that I put across the top of four foot section (23) and ruined it. The half inch nineteen guage that I put on top has survived.
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Was thinking about moving south, having a very hard time with this heat humidity and dang gnats!!! I think I am old, how did I camp in these conditions for so many years? ughhh
  WELCOME TO THE THREAD AND BYC!!!!    What breed of banty?  how old are they?  Bantys are so cute!!! 

DOH I guess read on   sorry...  what is LA300  I am using dimethox and Bcomplex  
It is an antibiotic (oxytetracycline family). For coccidia my vet recommended b complex, Thiamine, and a past of red cell and DE (60cc) for five days She said I could corrid too, but my girl developed something more so we added the antibiotic.
MC did you take care of the predator or you loose more, sorta confused. 

I haven't killed anything. I just made sure everyone was inside the coop, and it was locked.
I am under the impression that I missed her tiny body yesterday.

Are you talking about the gauge of the welded/woven wire fencing or the hardware cloth?
How high depends on what you're guarding against. If for raccoons, they can climb anything so if the top is open, how high you put the hardware cloth won't matter.
1/2" will keep out any mammal.
Any Chinese brand is bad. I buy both Chinese and American made RedBrand. RedBrand is like the fencing I grew up with. Chinese wire carried by the big box stores like Lowe's and Home Depot is junk. I use it but I can rip the welds apart with my hands and it doesn't stretch like American made. It tears apart. You can stretch RedBrand to make a tight fence.


Okay, so to the top, and recover the top.
I think I may as well take apart the frame, and redo that while I am at it.
:th If I am spending the dough, I may as well do the job right!

Thanks for the welcome back. I feel guilty about not reading back, but I just don't have time.
I used half inch 19 guage. The quarter inch 23 is too frail so I used it for the skirt. My goats jumped on the quarter inch that I put across the top of four foot section +23) and ruined it. The half inch nineteen guage that I put on top has survived.

Thank you!
I was told give her a shot and then start dimeth so far she only had one B and today she just had dimeth

I have never treated a mammal for coccidiosis and this comment is only based on my knowledge of coccidia so you can take it with a grain of salt.
A B shot prior to treatment may be a good idea, but avoid giving any thiamine during the sulfa drug treatment.
It works as a thiamine blocker by resembling that B vitamin, thereby starving the protozoa. AFTER treatment when the coccidiosis problem is over, resume the B vitamins.


A wealth of useless information.
I've just always been amazed by Lake Baikal. Only the 5th largest lake in the world by surface area but so deep. It is also some of the clearest water on the planet. I'd love to go there some day.

Was thinking about moving south, having a very hard time with this heat humidity and dang gnats!!! I think I am old, how did I camp in these conditions for so many years? ughhh

I have always hated camping in summer. Miserable. Nothing wrong with camping in winter. A good tent, a good sleeping bag and a good campfire. Best of all - no bugs.
Why were you thinking about moving south to avoid heat and humidity? Do you mean south as in South America like Argentina or Chile?
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