INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Someone told me I need a wife (I would rather be the wife and keep the home and farm. Oh well, that is not happening).
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Hello peeps, I'm in the market for my 1st incubator primarily for Coturnix quail though chickens may come later.

I am on the fence between the hovabator genesis 1588 and the incuview incubator. They are both relatively the same price at incubator warehouse and i was set on the genesis until I recently came across the incuview.

Ive read as much as I can stomach in the incuview thread but by many pages in on both ends of the thread it just seemed to be enthusiastic owners talking about their hatches.

Does anyone have both who can tell me what they like and dislike about them? I like the plastic shell on the view but am concerned about the number of eggs that can be set at one time.
Are the thermometer and humidity gauges accurate and if not where's a good source for backups?
What is your consensus on reliability?

Thanks for your perspectives and opinions.

You could build one

I emailed a couple of people, but no responses yet. If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.
I'll see if i can find anything on byc
OK, I'm way behind, but I needed to share my scary experience.

I haven't felt well this week, and my sleep schedule is all whacked out. I fell asleep after gathering eggs this evening at about 6pm. I was out cold, and I just woke up at 11:30pm, disoriented. I wondered, did I get up to lock up the chickens? I was pretty sure I had, but I decided I should probably double check, just in case.

I had not.

Coop 1: Sorority house (POL pullets plus Goodwin)
Six of the sorority girls were roosting on top of the shade shelter with Goodwin, and one was roosting balanced on a fence post. I moved them all into their coop one by one and locked them up. Too dark for a head count, I'll need to check in the morning if anyone is missing, but there were no feathers/bodies anywhere.

Coop 2: Cream Legbars
All on roost in coop. Locked up

Coop 3: Naked Necks
Automatic door - thank goodness

Coop 4: Frat house (the four growout cockerels)
Reminder - this is what the layout looks like for these coops (but with bedding):

I approached (was wearing red headlamp), and something scampered out of their paddock (climbing the fence). My stomach dropped. I looked in the coop and mercifully, there were four sleeping cockerels on their roost. However, terrifyingly, there were also three sets of eyes on the bottom level. It was a group of three baby raccoons eating their food. I freaked out, but so did the babies. They ran in the back corner and froze, so I ran to find a bedding rake and managed to get them out. I looked over the cockerels again, and yes, they really looked ok. Then locked them up.

Coop 5: Tank and the Speckled girls
Miraculously, nothing in their coop or nest boxes, all ok on roosts. Locked them up.

Cycled back around to the Sorority house coop to make sure nothing was locked in there with them. All good.

Morals of the story:

1) @ChickenCanoe is always right - there are always armies of night time critters outside. (I never doubted this, but confirmed.)
2) Even if you think you locked up, unless you're sure, go check anyway. If it crosses your mind that you didn't, then check.
3) Set an alarm if you take a nap

I really need to go back to sleep, but that was a terrifying near miss. Well, now we know what's getting into the paddocks at night (as if there was any doubt).

- Ant Farm
thats scary, glad it all worked out!
I'm ordering a genesis from incubator warehouse and want opinions on the incuturn vs the hovabator turner for quail.

Does the incuturn support setting 120 eggs or only 49? (Edit; I just read that it supports 70 quail eggs which will work for me)

Are either one overly noisy?

Is the humidity kit worth the expense or is it simple enough to maintain and change humidity by filling the trays?

Thank you!
no it is not worth it, IMO
i think the noisiest part is the fans, the turners make almost no noise

Sounds like a busy weekend,

I don't have anything crazy planned. Need to move one of my semi-portable coops, clean coops and I might try to get a "pond" set up for the ducks. Also need to come up with some eggs to put under my broody.

@MotorcycleChick Sorry, if I did that Grace would be alone.
both of your ponies are gorgeous!

She might be a little spoiled, but she is also the one I ma most afraid of when broody. She be crazy.

I thought you supported my idea.

Liz, help meeeeee! Tell these sillies riding is more fun.
i have never been golfing except mini golf, which is fun after a few drinks lol

But i LOVE riding

Golf---aka Cow Pasture Pool..Smack a little white ball as far as you can, spend half an hour hunting in, when you find it, smack it again. Makes perfectly good sense to me You can bet if I found the ball after a half hour search I'd be keeping it!

She's sending me duck eggs...........some of the ones that hatch will be going to freezer camp.
I will get my enablers badge any day now

Morning Everyone! Lurking from work for a few. Slight headache, Jameson and Bud Black Crown chaser were going down really well last night.

Quail and Giant chicks doing well. About 8 days to go on the eggs in the bator.

Going to try to get a new machinist box tomorrow, dumb me didn't think of it last week. Hope to take a slow walk thru Rural King again too and look at the tools and chicken stuff of course! Probably be in there 2 hours again with the hubby.
have fun at RK
more pics of chickies??

Don't roll your eyes at me.
(Chaos posts the cartoon in 3,2,1...)

I don't think they are even close. Golf balls don't have safety features.
or motors

Sally has posted that twice lately. Weren't both times to you?
nope, once was at ME :)

I just don't get all this goats saddles.....
makes it easier to attach things to them
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