INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Molto bene!
This Sunday is the Jewish new year eve, " rosh Hashana " ראש השנה so I will have a little vacation !
I love very much this holiday period!
The traditional blessing is "cetiva Va chatima tova" כתיבה וחתימה טובה
It means that The All mighty will judge you to a good life the next year.
So my freind I will bless you , And all ouer freinds in this wonderful forum
In the blessings of " Chtiva Vactima Tova" to you and to your love ones!
Hope that God will bless you all with a good helth, loving family and freinds and decent
Thank you. cetiva VA chatima Tova to you to my friend. may you be blessed and continue to share yout wisdom and laughs with us (not to mention lovely looking meals) :D
She'elohim yivrach otch!
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As to the eggs, 2 had tiny cracks, I put liquid bandages on them both. There's a total of 28 eggs. I don't know how to tell if they are fertilized or not, other then putting them into the incubator and waiting a week. Since the incubator has wet rocks in it atm, the humidity is around 60% I can live with that as long as the temp stays okay.

It's around 98ish, so i'm trying to get it up to around 100 so I can just leave it be and put the eggs in before bed tonight. I'm going to leave them alone over the weekend, then start turning them on monday. that way I give the air cells the best possible chance, and hopefully won't loose too many babies in the process.

She send me whites, blues, lavanders, buffs, splashes, and a few mystery color ones, that she doesn't know what they are I think I got maybe 2 black eggs, I'd LOVE a black silkie, so crossing fingers that one hatches! ;o
Even if one doesn't travel much I would think that they would know where certain countries are.


i have never travelled but even before i started here i knew where Israel is 
and many other places lol
its a sad sad world we live in these days

To belong to the western society one should have some minimal knowledge of things!
It snows in LA. That's too cold for tropical fish.

I missed the 40 year one but I went to several others. I'm looking forward to the 50 - just to see how many of us are still alive if nothing else.
At the last one I went to it was amazing how people had moved to all corners of the globe. I was even surprised by all the bald guys at the 10 year.


Interesting line. Not sure I get the point. Does that mean selfishness? I think self respect is similar to self love.

Wind egg. I've gotten a few of them. I save them and take them to class to show egg anomalies.

The amount of broken glass on this property is amazing. If I run into one in the yard I put it in my pocket to throw it away. There are a couple spots that had been a dump. That's where the bottles came from. Occasionally I take a bucket out there and fill it with broken glass as the chickens continue to dig it up.

What do you do?

It's a bit unfair though, geography is one of my passions, along with nature, science, automation, snow sports and canoeing.

I hope the liquid bandage works for you.

I see a blur.
I think it refers to selfishness and loving yourself too much, where your wants and desires override your care or in that case leads to a lack of caring for others.
Something's bad wrong if you're only getting 1 or 2 eggs/day out of 40 layers! Doesn't that set off any alarms in your head?
How old are they?
What are you feeding?
That was my thought too.... if you have 40 eggs, you should at minimum be getting 20ish eggs a day. Assuming that they don't even lay every day.
Quote: Good luck! What chicken show? Icelandics typically hatch early too.

Quote: Yes, Similac!

Hello Benny!
Shalom Mike! How are you?
I am seething just now on my American comport couch in the same position as you!

I'm doing well. Glad you are able to sit comfortably!
Now we gotta work on the seething...bad for BP
That was my thought too.... if you have 40 eggs, you should at minimum be getting 20ish eggs a day. Assuming that they don't even lay every day.
My seramas are my only layers right now and only 4 of them are of laying age. I am still getting 1-2 eggs every 3-4 days-sometimes more and that is with 1 infertile and 1 broody right now. Maybe all his hens have gone broody at one and that would solve all the incubator problems since there is a lack of eggs to sit on??????
Are any of you into photography enough to tell me what I will need to get a good photo of the total solar eclypse that will happen when we are planning to be in the Tetons next August?
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Never heard of sea glass....'splain me, por favor

broken bottle in the ocean gets thrashed around and come out smooth and cloudy/frosted


Yep, that stuff. It's not always as pretty in real life. I picked up a piece of dr pepper bottle on my last trip, I'll take a pic later.

I AM NOT A BUILDER OF ANY SORT but I toyed with the idea of making a big rock tumbler out of a washing machine drum or something similar, and trying to make my own sea glass.
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