INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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  OK, thanks. Lots to consider. Bow seems best option. Need to check out .22 and ammo on hand. Just don't want to stir up a kerfuffle in the neighborhood. 
  Thanks, everyone. My weapons knowledge is very limited.

Son says there's a quite .22 caliber load now. 75% quieter. I've nerver shot one but I did google it. Might look into it. Don't think it's good for long distance but close up it might work

Soooo you have done some upgrades to your bator, does this mean you are setting eggs soon? If not, why do the upgrades??


No silly, I can't even rehome the last 5 from my most recent batch. :he

I'm doing the upgrades cause there's never a better time than now. Also I might go insane if I don't do something with the bator. :p

A possibility, as there is a possibility of snow in FL tonight, but highly unlikely

Yer kidding, right??


You tagged the wrong person. :oops:

I call myself the accidental photographer... I know nothing about technical stuff like that. I just click.

:yesss: I've tricked another one.


i cant talk to anyone in 'real' life about chickens 


Most of my friends are chicken addicts, lol

Last game I played more than once or twice was Pacman   :lau

The only game I really like is Mario Kart. Peachy's got it!!
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